Student Life
Spiritual Life/Safety
PBA Wildcard

What is your student to faculty ratio?



What do students do on the weekends?

beach, art museums, coffee shops, zoo & state parks, many restaurants, ft laud and miami train ride away, orlando also, etc. 


When will I get an admissions decision if I apply? 

if after September: MOST students receive a deicision within about 3 days/72 hours 

(some students go through an additional review process)


What are the curfew requirements? 

for first semester freshmen only- 11:30pm on weeknights, 1:30am on weekends

How can I get on the baseball team and are there schoalrships?

Recommend submitting recruit questionnaire on the, we do give athletic scholarships that are in a range based on talent and availability. 


Do you have a photography major?

bring up: we dont have a photography specific major but photography is offered as certain classes within Art and journalism programs lie photojournalism, digital photography, etc. recommend business program for option of starting a photography business or a related major


What kinds of clubs and activities do you have? 

ask what student is interested in, some examples of clubs are bible studies, running club, science club, academic clubs, clubs for outdoor sports, and intercultural clubs like Mosaic, BSU etc 


What GPA do I need to get into this school?

mention no minimum as applications are reviewed holistically, but above a 3.0 is ideal 


How safe is the campus? 

bring up department of public safety being on call, dorms and buildings accessible only by ID card, describe general safety practices & vibe of city potentially


Do you have an ultrasound tech program?

Technically no, we only offer 4 year degree programs so I would recommend obtaining a 4 year degree to be competitive for jobs, in pre-med or related field and then going for ultrasound program certificate. 


How is your business program? 

talk about jobs/internships in walking distance, AASCB accredits (top 6% of business schools in the U.S.), talk about job placement- 91% of grads being employed within 6 months after graduation


Do you have Greek life? 

there is a small christian sorority called Kappa Phi, but in addition to that we have 50+ clubs and organizations, lots of ways for students to be connected etc 


What scholarships do you have? 

academic scholarships, honors & lead, farish mention other miscellaneous scholarships through USA app, mention submitting FAFSA 


What does being a Christian University mean?

bring up: distinctives like chapel requirements, community service requirements, bible classes woven throughout general education curriculum, student and faculty led bible studies, discipleship assistants in res halls

What internship/job placement programs do you have? 

bring up DIVE office- Discovering internships for vocational exploration, give an example of an internship site or placement, bring up 91% of students within 6 months are employed


How is your nursing program?

bring up higher than average NCLEX passing rate, bring up uniquely being a christian nursing program, many hospitals and clinics in walking distance, mock ICU, bring up FDA program and guaranteed admission program and know some details about both 


what is the party scene at PBA like? 

Bring up being a Christian university, being a dry campus, bring up other activities and clubs to be involved in and off campus activities 


Do you have any full ride scholarships? 

Yes we have one full ride scholarship that students who are academically competitive can compete for every fall, and applicants selected would be required to come on campus to interview for it. 2 awards are given each year, and it is a freshman Fall semester opportunity only. 


What if I'm not a Christian, can I go here?

Yes! All faith backgrounds including non-faith are welcome at PBA, however keep in mind that there are chapel requirements, community service requirements, and bible classes in the general education curriculum. As long as a student is ok with those values, they can attend. 


What is housing on campus like? 

bring up that we have about 7 different residence halls, explain different styles briefly, if you explain that Oceanview is Co-ed, explain that boys and girls are separated by different floors and different elevators, bring up that students are required to live on campus until they're 21, bring up discipleship assistants, RAs, and student life in res halls


How are your engineering and computer science programs?

bring up: small classrooms, close relationships with professors who have connections for graduate programs/careers, bring up hands on learning, bring up engineering firms in downtown area looking for PBA students 


Do you have an LGBTQ+ club? 

We do not, since PBA is a Christian university, in the navigator which is PBA's handbook it states that PBA aligns with biblical definitions of human sexuality which you can read more about on our website, bring up other clubs that we do offer 


What are the requirements for the full ride scholarship? What are the requirements for honors?

To be invited to apply for the full ride scholarship: 3.5 GPA, 1330 SAT or 29 ACT/89 CLT 

For honors scholars: 3.8 gpa without test scores OR 3.5 in combination with a 1270 SAT or 26 ACT. 

to be invited to apply!!

optional: bring up Honors fellows: requirements are lower- 3.4 no scores, 3.0 GPA 1160 SAT


What denomination is PBA is based off of/ what is PBA's main theology?

bring up: PBA is an interdenominational Christian university made of many different faith backgrounds and the main core values and theological stances can be found on the Navigator on the website. Most common denominations are Baptist, Non Denominational, and Catholic, can bring up that PBA was originally founded in 1968 by a Baptist church 


Are you connected to feeder graduate schools for medical schools? 

not necessarily, but close relationships with professors allow students to have access to many of their resources and previous institutions that they have worked at or done research at for example, offer to connect them with Dr. Cardona/Dr. Hickey/ other science prof