Residential Living
Degree Programs
Application Process
Preparing For College
You can choose a private one (for a higher price) or you can get a double one to share.
What is a dorm room?
The name of the process by which students are admitted to a college or university.
What is admissions process?
These "quizzes" will help determine your strength, weaknesses, and possible careers.
What are career and personality assessments?
This is a record of all your classes and grades from 9th-12th. Colleges need this when you are applying for admission.
What is a transcript?
These are very important, even in 9th grade, because they go on your permanent record and help colleges decide if you should be accepted.
What are good grades?
This person acts as a "big brother/sister" and an authority figure in the dorms.
What is resident assistant?
This is the best time to start your application process.
What is the summer before your senior year?
This degree will allow me to become a teacher, a social worker, an engineer, or many other professional careers.
What is a Bachelors or 4 year degree?
Some (but not all) colleges and universities charge this fee in order to apply for admissions.
What is Application Fee?
You should get get involved in these to show colleges you are well-rounded.
What are extracurricular activities?
You can choose to live in a certain one of these, which allows you to live in a dorm with students who share a common interest, i.e. first-generation college students, honors students, even "green living" students.
What is a living community?
This website allows you to apply to most colleges and universities in Texas. You can apply to many colleges when you create a profile.
What is ApplyTexas?
With this 2 year degree I can become a registered nurse, automotive mechanic, fire-fighter and many other vocational jobs.
What is an Associates Degree?
Some (but not all colleges) require this type of written submission along with your application. This allows the admissions officer to get to know more about you.
What is an essay?
You can visit this place in your high school to get speak with a Career Specialist about getting ready for college.
What is the Career Center?
This could cost you anywhere between $100-500.
What is the average dorm room deposit?
This official document has a record of all your classes and grades from 9th-12th grade.
What is a transcript?
This degree will allow you to become a lawyer, a physical therapist, a principal and many other professions. It usually takes 6 or more years to earn this degree.
What is Masters Degree?
These dates are very important to pay attention to while in the application process.
What is a deadline?
You should try to participate in these programs over the summer to help you decide on a career.
What enrichment programs or internships?
These allow you to have easy, quick access to class and other resources on campus, meeting new people and friends, and involvement in campus life.
What are the benefits of living in a dorm?
Some universities require a certain score on these admissions test.
What is ACT or SAT?
I would use this application to apply to Rice, Stanford, and Harvard.
What is the Common Applicaiton?
This is a good habit to begin practicing in order to learn as much as you can about college and careers.
What is ask questions?