Tools for Success
College Types
Paying for College
What's your Major?

What does HRT stand for?

Health Related Technologies


Name some ways to stay organized on your phone. 

Options-notes, calendar, apps, alarm, text to remind, etc.


How long does it normally take to get a Bachelor’s Degree?

Typically, about 4 years


What is room & board?

Extra costs with living on campus:  rent, food, activity fees, etc.; eating and sleeping on campus


True or False: You must know what you want to study before entering college.

False, schools will have an undecided/deciding major so you can take some more time to choose a major


True or False: Do you need a degree to be a CNA: Certified Nursing Aide?

False (however, you need specialized training)


What is the term for “the action of delaying or postponing something.”?



How many years does it normally take to finish an Associate’s Degree?

About 2 years


What is the difference between a loan and a grant?

Grants-typically given by the government,  based on a student's financial need or background.  Scholarships come from many sources and students must apply individually to scholarships.

*Both are free money; you can lose each for respective reasons, may or may not be renewable.


How many credits do you typically need to be considered a full time student?

At least 12 credits


What does CPR stand for?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation


What do the letters S.M.A.R.T. in SMART Goals stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound (Timely)


This is the category of schools that trains students in the area of cosmetology, audio production, and culinary arts.

Technical College/ Vocational school/ Trade school

In PA, these could be...Pennco Tech, Universal Technical Institute UTI, Lincoln Tech, Jean Madeline


List two expenses associated with college besides tuition.

Books, Room & Board (housing), parking, technology fees, computer and web access (not all colleges have the same fees)


What does STEM stand for?

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics


Name any 3 careers in the Health Related Technologies industry.

Health Information Specialist, Mental Health Counselor, Registered Nurse, Environmental Scientist, and more!


Sticking to a monthly ___________ will help you manage your finances.



How long does it typically take to earn a master's degree?

2-3 years after receiving Bachelor’s (some schools offer special programs that you can enroll in to receive Master’s in 5 years.


True of False: You can only receive scholarships based off your academic record.

False. There are scholarships for almost everything! You just need to find them and apply.


What is the difference between a B.A. and a B.S.?

A B.A. is a Bachelor of Arts, a B.S. is a Bachelor of Science. These have to do with programs area of focus (liberal arts focus vs. technical or science related)


Out of all the Philadelphia based-hospitals, which hospital has the largest number of employees?

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, about 16,000 employees


In college, your professor will distribute a _______________ which will outline the subject(s) in a course of study for the term.



Name three colleges/universities located in Philadelphia. 

Temple University, Community College of Philadelphia, UPenn, Drexel, Harrisburg, La Salle, St. Joe's, Moore College of Art and Design, University of the Arts, Holy Family University, Curtis Institute of Music, Thomas Jefferson University


What does FAFSA stand for?

Free Application for Federal Student Aid


In addition to a student's major and minor, what is one other subject area a student may learn about at a liberal arts schools?

Students will also learn about the arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences.