How long does it normally take to get a Bachelor's degree?
Four years (or more!)
What is room & board?
Extra cost involved with living on-campus: lodging, food, dorms, etc.
True or False: By the time senior year rolls around, you should already have a list of the colleges where you want to apply.
True. College may still seem far away as you enter your final year of high school, but you should be well on your way to finalizing your application list. This will give you plenty of time to complete any campus visits and tailor your essays to specific schools.
True or False: you must know what you want to study before entering college.
How many years does it take to become a Medical Doctor (MD)?
Between 8 and 12 years!
How many years does it normally take to finish an Associate's degree?
Two years.
What is the difference between a loan and a grant?
Grants typically come from the government, based on a student's financial need or background. Scholarships come from many sources and students must apply individually to scholarships. A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest.
True or False: Students should delete social media accounts to avoid making a bad impression when applying to college.
False. Social media can be an important part of your college admissions profile. Once you make sure your photos and content are appropriate and professional, you can use your profiles to showcase your interests and talents.
True or false: "pre-med" and "pre-law" are actual degrees offered by many colleges
False. Pre-med and pre-law are informal terms for students studying specific degrees that will best prepare them for Medical or Law school.
How long is a normal Master's degree?
Two - three years beyond a Bachelor's degree.
This is a category of school that trains students in areas like cosmetology, audio production, mechanical engineering, or culinary arts.
Technical College.
List two expenses associated with college BESIDES tuition.
Books, room & board (housing), parking, technology fees, activity fees, computer & web access, etc. (Not all colleges feature the same extra fees!)
True or False: College admissions staff prefer students get recommendation letters from principals or well-known teachers.
False. It's important to get recommendations from teachers or coaches who know you well and can speak to your academic potential and personal character. Avoid recruiting the principal or a well-respected teacher if you don't have a good relationship with that person.
Name three fields or industries you could work in with a Business degree.
You could work just about anywhere -- from companies large and small to governments to higher education, etc.
Name two reasons you might want to get a Master's degree someday.
Allows you to teach at certain institutions; allows for better pay; allows for promotions; allows for a deeper exploration of a subject you love; allows you to work toward a Doctorate
True or False: A high GPA and strong test scores are the only things that really matter in a college admissions decision.
False! College admissions committees are looking for well-rounded students who can bring diverse experiences into the classroom. Showcasing leadership qualities, participation in extracurricular or volunteer activities and interest in hobbies can be just as important to your overall application as strong grades.
What is the FAFSA?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
True or False: Applying to colleges takes a lot of time, so it's OK to have a family member contact colleges for you.
False. Family members are great to turn to for proofreading your application essays or discussing financial aid, but don't have them call colleges to ask questions on your behalf. Demonstrate maturity and leadership skills by attending interviews on your own and handling issues that arise in the application process yourself.
John Legend's degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
He graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences in 1999 with a Bachelor's degree in English and a concentration in African-American literature and culture.
High school principals typically have what type of degree?
Public schools generally require principals to hold a Master of Science degree in Educational Administration or a Master’s in Leadership. Often, principals go on to earn doctoral degrees, meaning they are doctors!
True or False: Applying early action or early decision can increase your chances of admission.
True. Colleges are typically eager to accept students who are enthusiastic about attending. Submitting applications early to your first-choice college demonstrates commitment and also means you will be competing against a smaller applicant pool for an admissions spot.
What is EFC?
Expected Family Contribution. Your EFC is not the amount of money your family will have to pay for college, nor is it the amount of federal student aid you will receive. It is a number used by your school to calculate how much financial aid you are eligible to receive.
True or False: Colleges appreciate students who nag them about their application after submission.
True. Always follow up with schools to make sure your application was received, experts say. Colleges deal with many applications, so it's important to make sure yours isn't lost in the shuffle. This is also another opportunity to show you are serious in your interest.
What is the difference between a B.A. and a B.S. degree?
B.A. is a Bachelor of Arts and a B.S. is a Bachelor of Science -- the separation has to do with a program's area of focus.
What kind of degree does a lawyer have? (Does it compare to an Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, or Phd?)
Lawyers receive a Juris Doctorate, which is a form of doctoral degree.