What is the name of your I Know I Can advisor?
Ms. Anna or Ms. Bassett
What year are you set to graduate?
2024! As long as you keep up with your credits, testing scores, and general academic requirements
What is the zip code for Westland High School?
OSU, OU, UC, etc.
Where is the I Know I Can office located?
in the back of the ERC
How many credits do you need to graduate?
How do you set up an appointment with your counselor?
You can schedule an appointment with them through email or by going to the front desk and requesting an appointment.
What is the difference between a public college and a private college?
Public colleges are government funded while private colleges receive money elsewhere. Private colleges can cost more money, but also tend to give out generous financial aid packages.
What is the purpose of I Know I Can?
to help students plan for their future after graduation, whether that's college, starting a career, or enlisting in the military
What is your cumulative GPA?
This is your average GPA across all 4 years of high school. You will start seeing this more on your transcript over the next few yeas.
What year do you take the ACT with your classmates?
Junior year -- this is a free test offered by the state. you can take the ACT earlier if you want.
What is a tuition?
the amount of money charged for teaching by the specific college
How many I Know I Can advisors work at Westland?
What are a few ways you can make sure you graduate on time?
show up to classes, complete schoolwork on time, meet with counselors if you have any questions, ask for help when you need it
If you want to be recruited for a sport for college, what year do you need to start working through the recruitment process?
junior year -- it is too late to be recruited by a D1 school your senior year
Where did Ms. Bassett go to college?
Denison University in Granville, OH
How many Southwestern City Schools does I Know I Can work with?
all 5 -- Central Crossing, SWCA, Grove City, Franklin Heights, and, most importantly, WESTLAND
What are your options for after graduation?
Enroll, enlist, employ
What does GPA stand for?
Grade Point Average
What's the name of the biggest college in Ohio?