Colleges that offer employment courses and programs that teach skills leading to specific jobs
Vocational/Career Schools
Degree earned through 2-year programs that may provide training to prepare students for entry-level jobs such as nursing or graphing design.
Associates degree
Money you borrow from the government/bank that needs to be paid back
Any education that you complete after high school that leads to a certificate, diploma or degree
Number of UC schools
Schools that prepare students for certain jobs or to transfer to a 4 year college or university
Community College
Degree earned from an undergraduate program that usually takes 4 years to complete
Bachelor's degree
Free money given by the government, college or outside organization based on need or achievement
True or False: On average a person who goes to college can earn more money than a person who doesn't.
Number of California Community Colleges
Schools that are publicly funded and usually are part of a state system
4 year public college or university
A degree program that lets you specialize in an area of study and normally takes 1-2 years after getting your B.A.
Master's degree
Money that is earned through part-time employment on campus
A school where at least 25% of the student population identifies as Hispanic/Latinx
Hispanic Serving Instutitions (HSI)
Number of Cal State campuses
Schools where the majority of funding comes from what students pay for tuition.
4 year private college or university
Doctoral Degree
Free money given to students by the government or an organization based on info provided on your financial aid application
College or university established before 1964 whose principal mission is the education of black Americans
Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs)