Show me the money!
Where should I attend?
College Terminology

Money given to a student based on academic performance, leadership, athletics, diversity, etc. This award does not have to be paid back.

What is a scholarship?


These 2 year colleges are very affordable and offer associates degree. Most of these do not offer housing.

What is a community college?


This career has the highest growth/highest demand in the State of MN and only requires a 2-year degree.

What is a Registered Nurse?

A degree granted after a two-year course of study at a community or junior college.

What is associates degree?


Money students lend to pay for college. This money must be paid back.

What are loans?


When I say that I am interested in a trades school. I really mean this.

What is Technical College


How much education did Mr. Bernardi need to become a licensed teacher?

What is a four year bachelors degree?

A 4 year degree.

Bachelors degree


This term is used to describe money from the government that does not need to be repaid.

What are grants?


Institutions that tend to be higher in price. Have no fear! These types of schools have different funds to defray the cost of attendance.

What are private schools?


This career cluster was the top in the 10th grade.

A tie between Education/Training and Health Sciences.


This degree is given to a student by a college or university usually after two years of additional study following a bachelor's degree.

What is masters degree?


Students who graduate from college earn on average a million dollars more in their lifetime than students who enter the workforce graduating from ___________.

What is high school?


A college/university that is subsidized by the government to keep costs low.

What is a public college?


There are many ways to start working towards your desired career, here are a few ways:

What are: building my resume, joining clubs, job shadowing, career field trips, stopping into the CCRC, working with Mr. Kane to align your schedule for junior and senior year to align with your goals.


This type of graduate degree prepares you for a professional career in fields like law and medicine.

What is a doctorate degree?

The name of the financial aid form that students must fill out to receive financial aid.
What is the FAFSA?

These colleges were created as a way for African Americans to get a college education, at a time when they were not allowed in the classroom.

What are HBCU's? Historically Black Colleges and Universities


True or False, most students who attend college, know what their career will be when they finish.

What is FALSE? The most common college major is undecided. Oftentimes your college experiences is how you learn what you like and what you want to do. 


These degrees are short-term and focused on specific skills, usually under 2 years. Some as short as 6 months (or less!).

What are certificates and diplomas?