College Lingo
Preparing for College
Financial Aid
Financial Aid

What do colleges call the area(s) you choose to focus in college as a potential careers.



2.What do Colleges look for on your high school transcript and college application ?

GPA,Rank, Course Selection, SAT/ACT


Some schools will require you to fill out a financial aid form. True or False

False- all colleges/universities require you to fill out a financial aid form. It is the primary way they determine the money you will need to pay for attending.


If your family makes a lot of money and has money in the bank saved, through bonds, mutual funds, a 529 college savings plan you are not eligible to financial aid. True or False?



What is the slang term for residence halls?



Name the 3 types of Post-secondary Institutions one can attend?

4 year University/College, 2 year Community College, Vocational/Technical/Trade School


1.Other than selectivity and cost name 4 other components you should consider when applying to college.

Available Majors, Location, Athletic Programs, Sorority and Fraternity Life, Clubs and Associations Diversity, size of college, housing/dinning, safety


What are the 4 types of form that financial aid comes in?

Scholarships, grants, loans and workstudy


What is the difference between an subsidized and un-subsidized loan

You do not have to pay interest on the subsidized loan while in school. The federal government will pay it until you are no longer in college. Un-subsidized loans require you to pay interest from the time you take the loan out.


True or False. There are approximately 30 million jobs in the USA that pay an average $55,000 per year salary and do NOT require a bachelor's degree.



When you get to college everyone is assigned someone to help them choose the best courses to take in order to complete their degree requirements. Who is it?

Academic advisor/major advisor


3. The process of filling out applications and doing interviews is called what?

Admissions Process or Application Process


1.What's the form you have to fill out to apply for college financial aid from the federal government? A.FASFA ( Free Application for Student Federal Aid) B.FAFSA ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) C. Government College Aid Form D. FASA – Financial Application for Student Aid

B. Free Application for Federal Student Aid


What night is the Senior Scholarship and recognition program?

May 8th


What is the difference between a community college and vocational/technical/trade school?

Community Colleges- 2 year schools where you get an associate degree- you can either focus on a 2 year program or take general college studies and transfer to a 4 year school. Vocation/technical/trade school- very focused only on your area of interest- some may offer associates but usually certifications and specialties.


What is the difference between a university and a college?

Universities are larger institutions that focus on research and offer a wider variety of majors/minors and programs. Many also offer a greater number of graduate level or doctoral programs. Colleges tend to be smaller institutions that offer a little less variety in majors/minors and may sometimes do not have a large number of graduate or doctoral programs. Many colleges are liberal arts focused rather than research focused.


In preparing for college and the college process name 3 types of accounts you should create.

ACT Account, Common App Account, Collegeboard Account, FAFSA, Individual College accounts, Career Cruising account


What does EFC on the Financial aid and Student Aid Report stand for?

Estimated Family Contribution


Colleges/Universities will offer financial need based on what two components. What is the difference between the two?

Merit-based awards, Need based award


How many Public 4-year Institutions exist in Iowa and what are their names?

3- University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa and Iowa State


Name all the types of degrees one can earn?

Associates- 2 yrs, Bachelors-4 years, Masters -2 year after undergrad (6 years),  Doctorate degree- 5 -7 year program


What type and how many classes do colleges want you to have? Think subjects, years, kinds of classes?

4 years of English, 3 years of Math ( Alg 1 Alg 2 Geometry), 3 years of science ( Bio& Chem), 2 year of a Foreign Language Consecutive ( ie Spanish 1 &2) College Prep, Honors AP classes.


6.If you must borrow money for college, which federal loan offers the best deal? A. Perkins loan B. PLUS loan for parents C. Subsidized Stafford loan D. Unsubsidized Stafford loan

Best answer is C. Subsidized Stafford Loan. The best option is a subsidized Stafford loan, which has a 4.53% for the 2017-18 school year, lower than an unsubsidized Stafford loan or a PLUS loan for parents. A Perkins loan has a fixed 5% rate and is available to only the neediest students.


What is the benefit of attending an in-state college versus an out of state college?

In state tuition is less expensive


True or False. According to National Student Clearinghouse, nationwide 3 out of 10 high school grads who go to a 4 year public university have not earned a degree within 6 years.
