College Lingo
Preparing for College
Financial Aid
Financial Aid

What do colleges call the area(s) you choose to focus in college as a potential careers?

Majors and Minors


Do colleges still consider the SAT/ACT as a viable component in the admissions process? 

UC's and CSU's no longer review SAT/ACT scores, but some private universities still do review scores. Also, scholarships still consider the SAT for providing awards.


What is a merit-based scholarship?

A merit-based scholarship is a form of financial aid that is awarded to students based on their exceptional academic, athletic, artistic, or other talents or achievements. These scholarships are not need-based and are often awarded by colleges, universities, or external organizations to attract high-achieving students.


What is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?

The FAFSA is a form that students must fill out to apply for financial aid from the federal government, state governments, and many colleges and universities. It collects information about a student's family income and assets to determine their eligibility for grants, loans, and work-study programs.

Slang term for residence halls is called what?

What is the difference between a major and a minor?

A major is a primary area of study that students choose to specialize in. It requires a significant number of credit hours, typically ranging from 30 to 60 credits, depending on the institution and program.

A minor is a secondary area of study that students can choose to complement their major. It requires a smaller number of credit hours compared to a major, usually around 15 to 30 credits.


What are the A-G requirements for college admissions? 

4 years of English, 3 years of Math, 3 years of History, 3 years of Science, 2 years of language other than English, 1 year of Art, 1 year of an elective

There are 4 types of forms that financial aid comes in?
Scholarships, grants, loans and workstudy
What is another form of financial aid some schools may require?
CSS Profile
Place where students eat, gather sit do homework, participate in clubs and organizations is referred to as?
Student union, student center

What is a study abroad program?

A study abroad program allows college students to spend a semester or academic year studying in a foreign country. It provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in a different culture, gain global perspectives, and often earn academic credit towards their degree. Study abroad programs are highly valued for their transformative experiences.


What is the significance of extracurricular involvement in college applications?

Extracurricular involvement is important in college applications as it showcases a student's interests, passions, leadership skills, and ability to balance responsibilities. Colleges value well-rounded applicants who are actively engaged in activities outside of the classroom, demonstrating their potential contributions to the campus community.


1.What's the form you have to fill out to apply for college financial aid from the federal government? A.FASFA ( Free Application for Student Federal Aid) B.FAFSA ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) C. Government College Aid Form D. FASA – Financial Application for Student Aid

B. Free Application for Federal Student Aid


What is the difference between a grant and a loan in financial aid?

A grant is a form of financial aid that does not need to be repaid. It is typically awarded based on financial need or other specific criteria. On the other hand, a loan is borrowed money that must be repaid with interest. Loans can come from the federal government, private lenders, or the college itself.


What is the difference between a lecture and a seminar?

A lecture is a formal presentation by an instructor or professor to a large group of students, where they deliver information or introduce new topics. A seminar, on the other hand, is a smaller, interactive discussion-based class where students actively participate, engage in dialogue, and explore topics in-depth with guidance from the instructor.


What is the difference between a university and a college?

Often Universities are larger institutions that focus on research and offer a wider variety of majors/minors and programs. Many will also offer a greater number of graduate level or doctoral programs. Colleges tend to be smaller institutions that offer a little less variety in majors/minors and may sometimes do not have a large number of graduate or doctoral programs. Many colleges are liberal arts focused rather than research focused.


What is Early Decision?

Early Decision is an application process offered by some colleges and universities where students can apply early (usually in November) and receive an admission decision earlier than the regular admission timeline. If admitted, students are usually required to enroll and withdraw their applications from other schools.


What does EFC on the Financial aid and Student Aid Report stand for?

The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is a calculated amount that determines a student's eligibility for need-based financial aid. It is based on a formula that takes into account the family's income, assets, family size, and the number of family members attending college. The EFC represents the amount the family is expected to contribute towards the student's education costs.


Colleges/Universities will offer financial need based on what two components. What is the difference between the two?

Merit-based Awards and Need-Met Awards.


How many colleges are considered to be California State Universities? (CSU's)

There are 23 CSU's in California.


Name all the types of degrees one can earn?

Associates:2 years

Bachelors: 4 years

Masters: 2 year after undergrad

Doctorate degree: 6 years 

Professional Degree: 5 -7 years


What is the Common Application?

The Common Application is an online platform that allows students to apply to multiple colleges and universities simultaneously by filling out a single application form.


If you must borrow money for college, which federal loan offers the best deal? A. Perkins loan B. PLUS loan for parents C. Subsidized Stafford loan D. Unsubsidized Stafford loan

Best answer is C. Subsidized Stafford Loan. The best option is a subsidized Stafford loan, which has a 3.4% for the 2012-13 school year, lower than an unsubsidized Stafford loan or a PLUS loan for parents. A Perkins loan has a fixed 5% rate and is available to only the neediest students. But be aware, subsidized Stafford loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2013 may carry a higher interest rate.


What is the difference between a subsidized loan and an unsubsidized loan?

A subsidized loan is a type of federal student loan where the government pays the interest that accrues on the loan while the student is in school, during grace periods, and during authorized deferment periods. In contrast, an unsubsidized loan is a federal student loan where the student is responsible for paying all the interest that accrues on the loan, even while they are in school.


What is a capstone project?

A capstone project is a culminating academic project that students complete during their final year of study. It integrates knowledge and skills acquired throughout their college education and often involves research, analysis, and the presentation of findings or a creative endeavor in their field of study.