Failure to give proper credit for the work of another.
What is plagiarism?
The top priority in the library.
What is helping patrons?
A book whose author is full of himself.
What is an autobiography?
Drinks are allowed in the library only in these types of containers.
What is sealable?
The three main labs in the library.
What are the Computer, Media, and Music Labs?
Includes the author, title, publisher, date, and way to locate them.
What is a citation?
Wear one of these when answering the phone.
What is a smile?
Dear John....
What is a letter?
If we don't have it, we can get it for you through this service.
What is Inter-Library Loan?
The three zones.
What are the Silent, Quiet, and Collaborative zones?
A magazine intended primarily for entertainment and contains many pictures and ads.
What is a popular magazine?
The main way of communication from supervisor to worker about shift changes.
What is E-Mail?
He's standing on a soap-box again!
What is a speech?
If it's late, the fine is $1.00 per hour.
What is a reserve book?
The three main languages carried in the Foreign Language Collection.
What are French, German, and Spanish?
Information source closest to an event, time period, or person.
What is a Primary Resource?
You're scanning into these three things as you're scanning.
What are Stop, Look, and Listen?
I took it myself...get the picture?
What is a photograph?
This database has Topic Finder, something good for EN126 students.
What is Gale?
Boolean Searching
What are AND, Or, and NOT?
This website can be used to start researching; just don't include it as a primary resource.
What is Wikipedia?
Remember the goal--one of the Eight Customer Service guidelines
What is to make patrons Information Literate?
I made this invention; now I have to make sure people know it's mine!
What is a patent?
The oldest item in the Bible Manuscript Room, from Babylon.
What is a brick?
The three actions to take in case of a gunman on campus.
What are run, hide, fight?