Campus Life
Student Support
In college, usually representing one hour of class per week for one term.
What is a credit hour?
evaluating your interests and strengths in deciding your field of study
What is picking a major?
The teacher of your course
What is a professor?
place where students live, study, get involved and meet other students on campus
What is a residence hall?
Life beyond the classroom. Getting involved, attending events, programming etc.
What is campus life?
A student’s chosen field of study. It usually requires the successful completion of 120 of credit hours.
What is a Major?
The official colors of the University of Florida!
What are orange and blue!
go here to be instructed by a professor and earn a grade. Average credit amount is 3 but can range anywhere from 1-6 credit hours.
What is a class?
What is a great way to get involved in college that involved joining a group of people that identity themselves with greek letters?
What is a fraternity or sorority? Not all fraternities and sororities are social based many of them are academic, service or interest based as well.
A body of students elected by the general student body to advocate on their behalf and create programs that benefit them.
What is student government?
enrollment in 12 to 18 credit hours in a semester
What is Full Time Enrollment? Part-time Enrollment= 12 hours or less a semester Summer Full Time= 6 hours Summer Part Time= 6 hours or less
A collection of all of the colleges that accept you, instructs you then grants you a degree.
What is a university?
classes that may not be specifically about your major but are a wide variety of subjects such as physical science, social science, humanities, mathematics, English etc. A certain number of these courses are required to graduate.
What are general course requirements?
A personal that lives on every floor of a residence hall and is there to support their residents academically, emotionally, and socially.
What is a Resident Assistant (RA)?
A designated time when your professors make themselves available for questions about your class.
What are office hours?
A permanent academic record of a student at college. It may show courses taken, grades received, academic status and honors received.
What is a transcript?
A school of study that specializes in something for example journalism, medicine or engineering. UF has 16 of these.
What is a college?
classes that you need to take to prepare for a specific grad program for example medical school, engineering grad school or law school but are not your major.
What is a track?
who can answer your questions about future careers, internships and grad school. They can also help you polish your resume and interview skills.
What is the Career Resource Center (CRC)?
Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The almost universal application for financial aid, including loans, grants, college work-study and other federal and state programs. It is often required before a student can be considered for scholarships also.
What is FAFSA?
Students are generally permitted to change their schedule during the first week of classes before their schedule is set for the semester.
What is drop/add?
Refers to those subjects which in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free citizen to study. It can refer to certain areas of literature, languages, philosophy, history, mathematics, psychology, and science.
What is a Liberal Arts Education?
A course taken in preparation for another course. For example, taking Accounting 1 before Accounting 2.
What is a prerequisite course?
Name 5 different ways to get involved in college.
What are student organizations, social fraternities or sororities, student government, residential involvement, career resource center, recreational sports, center for leadership and service, study abroad, faculty research, campus media, campus programs/events, university athletics.
This person will help you select the correct courses, review the course requirements in the field you have selected to pursue and help you with any academic problems you may encounter.
What is an academic advisor/counselor?