Alaska Engineering
Famous Engineers
Famous Achievements

Half of two plus two

Pink Elephants Make Dandy Apple Sauce


This gentleman came up with the theory of gravity after an apple fell on his head

Sir Issac Newton


Completed in 1977 with a construction cost of over 8 billion dollars this was the largest project in the State. It can carry 2 million barrels of oil from Prudhoe Bay 800 miles south to Valdez

Trans-Alaska pipeline


Conducted experiments to discover the power of electricity by flying kites. Served as a famous american politician in his downtime. He may be hiding in your wallet.

Benjamin Franklin

Standing at 2722 feet this building is the tallest in the world and one of the many crazy engineering feats of the  United Arab Emirates.

Burj Khalifa


The rate at which the output of a function changes with respect to its input



Proclamation that a body at rest remains at rest or, if in motion, remains in motion at constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force

Newtons First Law


Originally constructed in 1943, this 2.5 mile long tunnel goes beneath mynard mountain and uses 108,000 square feet of concrete panels

Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel AKA (Whittier tunnel)


This engineer would first patented invention was an electric vote counter. He would then go on to develop a phonograph, light bulbs, power grids, and even motion pictures.

Thomas Edison


Commissioned by by Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor, this wall spanned a total of 13,171 miles and was the crown achievement of the Qin dynasty 

Great Wall of China


Location of the UAA Math Tutoring Lab 

Near the Mathematics Faculty offices in the SSB 170


he universe is 70% made up by this repulsive energy

Dark Energy


50 miles north of Talkeetna at almost 300 ft above the ground, this railroad crossing is the highest bridge in the state of Alaska

Hurricane Gulch Bridge


These brothers started their careers designing bicycles in North Carolina but would later go onto develop the first Airplane in Kitty Hawk North Carolina.

The Wright Brothers

Name of the Mission that landed astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon. Proving that the USSR couldn't compete with the United States.

Apollo 11


This gentleman created the Cartesian coordinate system. Is also famous for the ontological proof of god.

Rene Descartes


Thought scenario presents a cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur.

Schrodinger's Cat


This phenomena occurs when the ground stays below freezing for two or more consecutive years. It can cause problems in designing structures in Alaska because during its freeze-thaw cycle because it makes the ground uneven.



This engineer got his start by helping to develop the online banking company pay-pal. Other notable inventions include flamethrowers, underground tunnels, and spacecraft.

Elon Musk


This water transport system provided water to many ornate roman fountains back in the day. 

Roman Aqueducts


Decomposes a function of time (a signal) into the frequencies that make it up uses the following notation:

Fourier Transform


when a moving object such as a siren produces sound waves, the waves bunch in front of the object and disperse behind it causes the sound of an approaching object to rise in pitch due to wavelength shortening.

The Doppler Effect


This 800 million dollar bridge spanning 1.74 miles from Point Mackenzie to Anchorage Alaska would have been the longest in the state until the project was shelved by Governor Walker

Kink Arm Bridge


A pioneer in manufacturing design this engineer created assembly lines that would mas produce affordable transportation options to Americans out of his Detroit factory 

Henry Ford


IBM developed this computer which defeated the greatest chess player of the time Garry Kasparov. A prequel to the inevitable hostile take-over? Time will tell.

IBM's Deep Blue