Types of Colleges
Paying for College
College to Career
What's your major?
Advanced Degrees
How long does it normally take to get a Bachelor's degree?
Four years (or more!)
What is a scholarship?
A scholarship is money given to a student based on academic achievement or other criteria to support their education fees. Scholarships must be applied to individually and do not need to be repaid.
True or False: It's OK to try different careers and change after you've started one.
True! Many people change types of jobs throughout their lives.
True or False: you must know what you want to study before entering college.
How many years does it take to become a Medical Doctor (MD)?
Between 8 and 12 years!
How many years does it normally take to finish an Associate's degree?
Two years
List two expenses associated with college BESIDES tuition.
Examples: books, room & board (housing), parking, technology fees, activity fees, computer & web access, etc. (Not all colleges feature the same extra fees!)
Name three health professions.
Examples: Nurse, Chiropractor, Mental Health Counselor Occupational Therapist, Dentist, Doctor, Athletic Trainer, Nutritionist
True or false: "pre-med" and "pre-law" are actual degrees offered by many colleges
False. Pre-med and pre-law are informal terms for students studying specific degrees that will best prepare them for Medical or Law school.
How long is a normal Master's degree?
Two - three years beyond a Bachelor's degree.
Name a difference between public colleges and private colleges.
There are many differences and it varies from school to school but here are some examples. Public colleges are mostly funded by the state and private colleges are funded by tuition and donations. Public colleges tend to cost less for students that live in the state and overall may cost less than private colleges however private colleges often provide more financial aid. Public colleges tend to be larger than private colleges.
What is the difference between a loan and a grant?
Loans must be repaid and grants do not have to be repaid. Both are offered after you have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
How much more likely are you to have a job if you have a Bachelor's degree versus a high school diploma?
Twice as likely! Unemployment is roughly half for people with four-year degrees.
Name two fields or industries you could work in with a Business degree.
You could work just about anywhere -- from companies large and small to governments to higher education, etc.
Name two reasons you might want to get a Master's degree someday.
Examples: allows you to teach at certain institutions; allows for better pay; allows for promotions; allows for a deeper exploration of a subject you love; allows you to work toward a Doctorate
This is a category of school that trains students in specific areas like cosmotology, audio production, mechanical engineering, or culinary arts.
Technical College. Examples: Hennepin Tech, Anoka Tech, etc.
What's the average price of a private college in the US?
$32,405 at private colleges ($9,410 for state residents at public colleges, and $23,893 for out-of-state residents attending public universities)
What level of education do you need to be a nurse?
At least an Associate's or Bachelor's degree plus a license. Some types of nurses need a Master's degree as well.
How many students are in the largest class (classroom) at Minnesota's biggest school (the UofM)?
The UofM has large intro-level courses that seat upwards of 340 students. (Must guess within 50.)
High school prinicipals typically have what type of degree?
Most high school principles have a PhD in Education, meaning they are Doctors!
How many students (approximately) attend the University of Minnesota?
51,147 in 2014! (Must guess within 2,000.)
Name a reason why federal student loans are better than private loans.
Examples: Federal student loans have low and fixed interest rates, income-based repayment plans, cancellation for certain employment, and deferment (postponement) options, including deferment of loan payments when a student returns to school. (studentaid.gov)
Which of these areas offers graduates the highest-paying average salary after graudation: Nursing, Human Resources, Engineering, or Computer Information Technology/Information Systems
Computer Information Tech degrees pay more than any other on the list. Here are some average starting salaries: Tech: $57,000 per year Nursing: $52,000 per year Human Resources: $40,000 per year Engineering: $56,000 per year
What is the difference between a B.A. and a B.S. degree?
B.A. is a Bachelor of Arts and a B.S. is a Bachelor of Science -- the separation has to do with a program's area of focus.
What kind of degree does a lawyer have? (Does it compare to an Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, or Phd?)
Lawyers receive a Juris Doctorate, which is a form of doctoral degree.