College Admission/College Life
Financial Aid
Time Management
Study Skills
Learning Styles
This plan is binding. Although you can apply to only one college for _______ _______, applying to other colleges through the regular admission process is allowed.
What is early decision
Money that is paid back with interest.
What is a loan
Set small goals for yourself. Once small goals are achieved, think about setting larger goals is a way to....
What is overcoming procrastination
The 5 R's of notetaking
What is Record, Recite, Reflect and Review
Think in terms of pictures - Prefer to see things written down, in an overhead, in a handout.
What is a Visual Learner
This plan is not binding. If accepted, you can choose to commit to the college immediately, or wait until the spring.
What is early action
Financial aid awarded on the basis of academic qualifications, artistic or athletic talent, or leadership or similar qualities.
What is merit aid
You should not edit or alter your goals
What is a myth about time management
The 4 A's of Classroom Success
What is Attendance, Attitude, Attention and Assignment
Learn best by listening - they typically like to learn through lectures, discussions, and reading aloud. They remember best through hearing and saying items aloud
What is auditory learner
A time when the professor is available to meet outside of class
What is office hours
2 types of financial aid that don't have to be repaid
What are scholarships and grants
Schedules/Calendars, Daily Planning, To Do Lists, Weekly Calendar, Monthly Calendar are all
What is Organizational & Time Management Tool
This is the strongest mode to have information go to your long term memory.
What is Senses and Emotions
Learn best through touching, feeling, and experiencing what they are trying to learn. They remember best by writing or physically manipulating the information.
What is Kinesthetic Learners
Most college applications require this standardized test
What is the SAT
An arrangement by which a student combines employment and college study.
What is work study
You Should study ____hours for every hour you will spend in class
What is 2
Actors in a play use this method to prepare for their performance.
What is Repetition and Rehearsal
Using an exercise bike while studying would work best for this type of learning style
What is Kinesthetic Learners
Trained peer leader who supervises those living in a residence hall
What is an RA
A loan awarded to a student on the basis of financial need. The federal government or the state awarding the loan pays the borrower’s interest while they are in college at least half-time
What is a Subsidized loan
List prioritize and check things off as you get them done, delegate, review your list from time to time. Is everything on the list necessary? Ask yourself, “ What’s the best use of my time right now?” Then do it! Be willing to sacrifice “perfection” to get things done. Learn to say “no” to demands that don’t benefit you.
What are tips for time management
This principle helps move information to your Long Term Memory by creating relationships, using sequences, and creating order.
What is organization
Using mind maps and models would work best with this learning style
What is a visual learner