It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
What is a sentence?
When you read a text quickly to get the gist, or the main idea(s) of the text.
What is "skimming?"
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie. (Unit 1)
Either: 1. "Who gave the TED talk, "Danger of a Single Story?" or 2. Who wrote "Olikoye"?
Writing a sentence for each paragraph in a text; each sentence summarizes the main point of the paragraph in your own words.
What is "annotation"?
Click the button that says "Turn in."
How can you submit assignments on Google classroom?
The three basic sentence types.
What are "simple," "compound," and "complex"?
When you read a text quickly for specific facts or pieces of information.
What is "scanning"?
Adapting to a new culture in some way. (Unit 2)
What is "assimilation"?
A summary contains three of these, written in complete sentences, in your own words. Should not be too detailed.
What are "main ideas"?
Small groups in Zoom.
What are "breakout rooms"?
The space found at the beginning of every paragraph.
What is an indent?
In reading, these help us understand how ideas are connected in a text.
Richard Rodriguez, Kao Kalia Yang, Kim Uy, Fadumo Yusuf. (Units 2, 3, 6)
Name some of the authors we read this semester.
These support each main idea, and are usually direct quotations from the text you are summarizing.
What is "evidence"?
How can you edit a Google document shared by someone else (like your teacher)?
The first sentence in a paragraph, and the last sentence in the introduction paragraph for an essay, which state the main idea (for either the paragraph or the essay).
What are the "topic sentence" and the "thesis statement"?
Guessing something from the text that is not stated in the text.
What is "inference"?
A minority language spoken at home with the family, and not learned in school. (Unit 3)
What is a "heritage language"?
The topic sentence of your summary paragraph should contain these three things.
What are the title, the author's name, and the three main ideas?
Sharing your screen.
What is a good way to share your work with others during a Zoom class?
When all the ideas in a paragraph or essay connect strongly to each other (usually by using good transition words, phrases, and sentences).
What is cohesion?
A pair of words that commonly go together. For example: "tall building"
What is a "collocation"?
When someone has a strong desire to be another gender, and it causes distress. (Unit 4)
What is "gender dysphoria"?
What should a summary NOT contain?
By clicking on the microphone icon on the bottom left corner of your Zoom screen.
How do you "mute" and "unmute" yourself in a Zoom class?