Study Skills
Campus Resources
Note Taking and Goal Setting
Transferring & Healthy Life Styles
According to the BOOK, how many hours of outside time should you dedicate to each class durring each week?
3 hours per credit hour (1, 3 credit class = 9 hours of outside work per week)
This document contains the policies and rules which you will be expected to follow for the semester, and also your instructor's contact information.
The Syllabus
The conscious control of time to increase productivity and efficiency is what?
Time Management
Statements of purpose, letters of intent, and personal narratives are all names for what?
Personal Statement
This is the legal means of communication from the college?
Student Email
What is the minimum number hours (suggested by instructor during lecture) that a student needs to put into a class outside of lecture?
at least 1 hour per class, each week
Every student should visit this person at least once per semester to ensure that they are on track and in the right courses?
The academic advisor
Name 3 things that influence your goals?
Background, Family, Dreams, Values
The physical pull, pressure, or strain exerted on one thing by another is what?
The Learning Center charges how much to come in and work with a tutor
It's Free!
VARK helps you do what?
Identify learning styles and potential study habits
This resource allows students to track their own progress regarding graduation, is available 24/7, provides planning tools, and gpa estimators to monitor progress
Degree Works
SQ3R is designed to help you do what?
Help retain, understand, and speed up readings
In regards to social media... what should be your relatioship to Facebook and sites like Linked In?
Hard to find on Facebook. Easy to find on Linked In.
This is the premier event series between Syracuse and Albany that drew over 18,000 people to campus in the 2011-2012 academic year.
The Cultural Series
When should a student take notes? (Name 3)
Lecture, Presentations, Group Discussion, Guest Speaker, while Reading text
DAILY DOUBLE!!! (Write down your wager on paper provided)
The "L" is SILVER represents the word LEARNING. How much learning is done in the classroom, and how much is done outside the classroom from reading, homework, and practical application?
When taking notes, you should always include what to help stay organized, especially if you miss a class?
The date
College counselling centers mainly see students for issues surrounding what?
stress and/or time management (either is appropriate answer)
This is the most under-utilized resource that a student has on any college campus
The instructor
Words such as NEVER, ONLY, and ALWAYS usually indicate which type of question?
A False Question
What do the letters of SILVER stand for?
S - Supplies I- Instructor's Expectatiosn L- Learning V- Vocabulary E- Effort R- Responsibility
What does SQ3R mean? (define the letters)
S- Survey Q - Question R- Read R- Recite R- Review
Eating well, getting enough sleep, finding time to exercise, getting down time alone are all tools to help you do what?
Reduce stress
Daily Double! (Write down your wager)
What is the name of the MVCC Mascot? Not what animal, but his actual name.