Taking the First Step
The Culture of Higher Education
Becoming an Active Learner
On Course Principles at WORK
Adopting a Creator Mindset
The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the choices we make on a daily basis, page 2
What is Success?
the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from another, page 13
What is Culture
When neurons fire together, they form...
What is Neural Network
Knowledge needed to perform a particular job.
What is Hard Skills
A mindset that keeps people from seeing and acting on choices that could help them achieve the life they want.
What is Victim Mindset
A written record of your thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams, page 4
What is a Journal
Culture that includes food, fashion, language, gestures, art, games, music
What is Surface Culture
To excel as a learner, you need to create as many_________________in your brain as possible.
What is Neural Connections
A skill essential to job success
What is Soft Skills
A mindset that causes people to see multiple options, choose wisely among them, and take effective actions to achieve the life they want.
What is a Creator Mindset
Identify behaviors and beliefs...creating a self-portrait...the first step on an exciting journey to a richer, more personally fulfilling life, page 5
What is a Self-Assessment
Culture that includes Norms, beliefs, rules, attitudes, opinions, taboos, expectations, world view
What is Deep Culture
Participating actively in the learning process creates______
What is Stroing Neural Networds
The secretary of labor asked a blue-ribbon panel of employers to identify what it takes to be successful in the modern employment world. A panel published a report in 1992 called
What is SCANS, Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills
In the 1950's, American psychologist Julian Rotter set out to study people's beliefs about who or what was responsible for the outcomes and experiences of their lives. The study is...
What is Locus of control.
Eight (8) characteristics of successful and struggling students, page 9
What is Choices of Successful Students
The upset and stress we experience when confronted with behaviors and beliefs that differ significantly for our own.
What is Culture Shock
Good learners, consciously or unconsciously implement three principles for creating deep and lasting learning.
What is Prior Learning, Quality of Processing, and Quantify of Processing
Candidates must demonstrate mastery of both the hard and soft skills necessary for
What is Career Success
The key ingredient of personal responsibility is...
What is Choice
Copy directions for each step into your journal (just the bold print), be spontaneous, be honest, be creative, and dive deep...
What is Five Guidelines for Creating a Meaningful Journal
Thinking deeply about life...your instructors want you to be as curious about their subject as they are...., pg 16
What is Intellectual Curiosity
Four general strategies are common to good learners.
What is CORE, Collect, Organize, Rehearse, and Evaluate
Learning soft skills will help you succeed in your...
What is First Career after College
When we complain, blame, make excuses, and repeat ineffective behaviors, we choose to be a
What is Victim mindset