Types of Colleges
Unique Colleges
Financial Aid
Types of Degrees

Colleges that generally offer the first two years of a liberal arts education, in addition to specialized occupational preparation.

What are Community or Junior Colleges?


These are colleges, universities or systems/districts where total Hispanic enrollment constitutes a minimum of 25 percent at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

What are Hispanic-serving Institutions?


This comes in many forms and helps students with need pay for college costs

What is Financial aid?


This certifies that a person has received specific education or has passed a test or series of tests.

What is an Academic certificate?


Financed by state taxes, their primary mission is often to serve students who live where you do.

 What are public colleges and universities?


These places find their origins in the time when African-American students were systematically denied access to most other colleges and universities. Students there have a unique opportunity to experience an educational community as the majority.

What are Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)


This is money given to students based upon family income

What are Grants?


A two-year degree (earned at a community college or two-year private college)

What is an associate's degree?


Colleges and universities that are not supported by states or taxes. (Some receive support from religious groups or other endowments)

What are Private Colleges and Universities?


These colleges focus on the education of undergraduate students. Classes are generally taught by professors who see teaching as their primary responsibility. Students who attend these colleges are exposed to a broad sampling of classes.

What are Liberal Arts Colleges?


These are awards based upon school performance, test scores, or special talents (like sports or music).

What are Scholarships?


This is an undergraduate degree, completed at a four-year institution.

What is a Bachelors degree?


These schools enroll students who have made clear decisions about what they want to study and emphasize preparation for specific careers.

What are Technical Institutes and Professional Schools?


These are similar to HBCU’s, but focus on the needs and education of Native American students.

What are Tribal Colleges?


Money you borrow from the federal government or a private lender to help pay for college costs, like tuition, supplies, books and living expenses

What are Student loans?


A graduate-level degree pursued after completing a bachelor’s degree program. Requires a high-level of mastery in a specific field at the completion of the program.

What is a Master's degree?


These places are generally larger and include a liberal arts college, as well as colleges focused on preparation for a specific career, like nursing or education.

What are universities?


For-profit companies that operate under the demands of investors and stockholders. They attract adult learners and part-time students in search of narrowly-focused professional training opportunities.

What are proprietary institutions?


This stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. A document prospective students complete to determine eligibility for federal loans and grants.

What is FAFSA?


The most advanced academic degree in most fields. Provides the graduate a high level of expertise and greater options for research, writing, teaching and management within their specialty.

What is a Doctoral degree?