The teacher in room 213
Mrs. Howard
A 6th grade classroom
212, 213, 214, 210, 211
Lives in the...
Name all the specials at Collins
Art, Music, PE, Library
Construction has begun at Collins.. True or False
The sixth grade teachers
Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Herrera, Mrs. Savino, Ms. Jones, Mr. Meyer
209, 208, 207, 206, 205
Has worked at Collins for ... years
The art teachers
Ms. Andrew & Ms. Weisz
Number of new classrooms being added to Collins
A first grade teacher
Ms. Lejman, Mrs. Trandel, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Barber
A 4th grade classroom
204, 203, 202, 201
What type of pet does Ms. Hasten have?
A dog
The PE teachers
Mr. Cahoj and Mr. Hurt
A teacher who just had a baby
Mrs. Herrera or Mrs. Howard
Which 6th grade teacher doesn't have kids
Ms. Jones
216, 215, 111, 113, 217
Ms. Hasten's favorite food is
The Library Teachers
Ms. Martin & Mrs. Krueger
The old music room classroom number
Ms. Starr
ALL the kindergarten classrooms
115,114, 102, 101
Ms. Hasten went to college
At the University of Wisconsin
The Music Teachers
Mrs. Stegall and Mrs. Carvell
The number of kids Mrs. Kurtz has