Conservation of Momentum
Mathletes Unite!

What is a collision?

A collision is any event in which two or more bodies exert forces on each other over a period of time


If you double the velocity of an object how will this affect the momentum of your object?

The momentum doubles


Which has more momentum: a car stopped at a red light or a bike moving at 15 mph?



What is the formula to calculate impulse?



What is the momentum of a 1500 kg car going at highway speed of 28 m/s (about 100 km/h)

p = 42,000 kg m/s 


What is the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions?

An elastic collision is one in which no kinetic energy is lost. An inelastic collision is one in which some of the kinetic energy of the colliding bodies is lost. This is because the energy is converted into another type of energy like heat or sound.


What is the formula to calculate momentum?

P = mv


In any collision (crash) the ______ is ALWAYS constant



What is impulse?

A change in momentum


A certain bowling ball rolls at a constant speed of 5 m/s. If the momentum of the ball is 42.5 kg.m/s, what is its mass?

8.5 kg


What type of collision involves two pool balls colliding and then go separate directions.

Elastic collision


What is the difference between inertia and momentum

Momentum must contain a vector or indicate it is moving a certain direction while inertia does not


Which object listed below has the greatest momentum?

A 0.05 kg object rolling at 0.2 m/s.

B. 0.15 kg object rolling at 2 m/s.

C. 0.15 kg object rolling at 1 m/s

D 0.4 kg object rolling at 2 m/s.

A 0.4 kg object rolling at 2 m/s.

  1. The purpose of crumple zones and airbags on a car is to

  2. Decrease time of impact

  3. Increase the time of impact

  4. Increase force of impact

  5. Change the vector

Increase the time of impact


A ball is hit with a 300 N force. High speed cameras show the contact lasted for 0.02 s. What was the impulse?

6 N s



A car has 10,800 Kg x m/s of momentum as it collides with a trash dumpster AT REST. How much TOTAL MOMENTUM will the car and dumpster have after collision?

A. Less than 10,800 Kg x m/s

B. More than 10,800 Kg x m/s

C. The same. 10,800 Kg x m/s

D. Not enough information.

The same. 10,800 Kg x m/s


A roller coaster climbs up a hill at 4 m/s and then zips down the hill at 30 m/s. The momentum of the roller coaster

  1. is greater up the hill than down the hill

  2. is greater down the hill than up the hill

  3. remains the same throughout the ride

  4. is zero throughout the ride



As a bullet travels through the air, it slows down due to air resistance. How does the bullet’s momentum change as a result?

Bullet slows down


The impulse experienced by a body is equivalent to the body’s change in

  1. Velocity.

  2. kinetic energy

  3. momentum. 

  4. force.



Determine the momentum of a system of two objects: M1, has a mass of 6 kg and a velocity of 13 m/s towards the east and M2, has a mass of 14 kg and a velocity of 7 m/s towards the west. Show your work. ΣP = M1V1 + M2V2 


ΣP = 176 kg . m/s


What happens when two objects collide?

A. Momentum is changed into force.

B. Momentum is transferred from one object to another.

C. Momentum is created and the objects move faster.

momentum is transferred from one object to another


18. A ball with a momentum of 4.0 kg•m/s hits a wall and bounces straight back without losing any kinetic energy. What is the change in the ball’s momentum? 

A. –8.0 kg•m/s 

B. 0.0 kg•m/s 

C. –4.0 kg•m/s 

D.  8.0 kg•m/s 

8.0 kg m/s


What is the law conservation of momentum

The law states that when two objects collide in a closed system, the total momentum of the two objects before the collision is the same as the total


Cart A is pulled with a 2 Newton force for 2 seconds, and Cart B is pulled with a 1 Newton force for 3 seconds.  Which cart experiences the greatest impulse?

Cart A


The matador evades the charging bull which hits a fence with a force of 33,000 N.

The fence stops the bull in 0.5 s. 

What is the impulse?

The impulse is 16,500 N s