How many dialects of Spanish are spoken in Colombia?
Is Colombia the rainiest country or the dryest?
What is the wide brimmed hat men often wear called?
At what two times is it mandatory for public television to play the National Athem each day?
6am and 6pm
What is a pollera?
A colorful skirt women wear.
What is the most traditional Colombian Christmas tradition?
Attending Novena de Aguinaldos
What does the hora tipica mean?
The typical time someone will arrive
How are Colombians most known to speak?
Loudly and expressively or quietly and respectfully?
Loudly and expressively
What is the English meaning of Él paseo de olla?
Means Pot Gathering
What is one way that Colombians greet each other when meeting each other for the first time?
They shake hands with one another