In what city what's this colony in????
Boston massachussets
In what city was this colony in???
West virginia
What type of people they use for cash crop?
What countries they went through on the middle Passage?
Africa europe america
why they was using them for plantation?
Money cash crop
Was the Boston massacre really a massacre?
Why they leave England?
for glory and gold.
Based on the passage, what is most likely cash crop the farmers would like?
what was the most significant factor the cause the middle passage.?
the extreme overcrowding and poor sanitation condition on slave ships, leading to the rapid spread of diseases.
how many people are in slavery?
because slavery is a crime and illegal but there was about 21 million slaves.
Why did they leave England?
For in chance of a new life and religious freedom.
was Jamestown established 1607 yes or no?
why they do this plantations?
for cash crop.
What was the triangular trade?
it was a trade the traded guns and money for African and cash crop.
Where is slave most prevalent?
in every country there's slaves but is ilegal.
Who was they friends with?
The native Americans.
why they struggle in the winter?
food supplies
yes the was the only way they could make money.
what was the brutal journey across the Atlantic ocean that enslaved Africans were forced to endure, often resulting in high death rates, called?
The middle passage
What is slavery?
Slavery is the holding of people at a workplace through force, fraud or coercion for purposes of sexual exploitation or forced labor so that the slaveholder can extra profit.
Who they stay with and got help by?
The native Americans.
What was the primary reason the Jamestown colony struggle during its early years?
The Jamestown colony due to the combination of factors due to a factor including poor occasion.
they had more then 2 fields?
yes they did.
how were the African treated during the middle passage?
they were tied up for months until they made it to America most of them died on the journey.
What causes slavery?
cash crop