This colony was home to the Pilgrims and Puritans.
What is Massachusetts?
This means to buy and sell without government control and no taxes.
What is economic freedom?
This is the type of large farm in the southern colonies.
What is a plantation?
This was second only to the Bible in popular reading material.
What is the Almanac?
These were the three types of colonial government.
What is charter, royal and proprietary?
This colony was founded by the Calverts to give religious freedom to Catholics.
What is Maryland?
This is when individuals have freedom to determine the cost of their goods.
What is voluntary exchange?
This what slaves did not have.
What is human rights?
This is how families entertained themselves.
What is Bible stories?
This type of colonial government had a governor appointed by the king.
What is Royal?
This colony was founded by James Oglethorp to give safety to people in debt.
What is Georgia?
This is when individuals have freedom to own land.
What is private property?
This is how slaves were treated.
What is like cattle?
This is what was dangerous to print?
What is opinions?
This type of colonial government was owned by a wealthy family or individual.
What is Proprietary?
This colony began when Roger Williams fled Massachusetts and bought land from Indians.
What is Rhode Island?
This is when individuals of any status may participate in the free enterprise system for the purpose of making money.
What is profit motive?
Africans were captured by enemy tribes and marched to the coast of Africa.
What is the first passage?
This is who was jailed for printing his opinion about New York's governor.
Who is John Peter Zenger?
This type of government allowed the people to govern themselves by electing their own governor.
What is Charter?
This colony had pirates that bribed the governor to look the other way at their crimes.
What is North Carolina?
This is who a free enterprise believes has the right to make economic choices and pursue their dreams in order to benefit the whole community.
What is individuals?
This is when Africans were sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on crowded, diseased ships stewed in a 15 in by 6 ft space.
What is the middle passage?
This is what is more important than criticizing the government's mistakes.
What is the truth?
These were the three Proprietary colonies.
What is Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware?