English Settlement
Colonial Regions
Mercantilism & Trade
African Contributions
Colonial Governance

What economic theory influenced English colonization in the 17th century?

What is mercantilism?


What was the primary cash crop in the Southern Colonies?

What is tobacco?


What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts?

What is the purpose of regulating colonial trade and ensuring it benefited England?


What was the Middle Passage?

What is the journey enslaved Africans endured across the Atlantic to the Americas?


What was the period of Salutary Neglect?

What is the time when England loosely enforced laws in the colonies, allowing for self-governance?


Which English colony was the first permanent settlement in North America?

What is Jamestown?


hich colony was founded as a haven for religious dissenters like the Puritans?

What is Massachusetts?


How did the trans-Atlantic trade benefit the English colonies?

What is by providing markets for colonial goods and bringing in needed supplies?


How did African knowledge influence agriculture in the Southern Colonies?

What is the introduction of rice cultivation techniques?


What was the House of Burgesses?

What is the first representative assembly in the American colonies, established in Virginia?


Why did the English establish colonies in the New World?

What are reasons like seeking economic opportunities, religious freedom, and expanding territory?


Describe the economic activities in the New England Colonies.

What are shipbuilding, fishing, and trade?


What was the triangular trade?

What is the trade system between Europe, Africa, and the Americas involving slaves, raw materials, and manufactured goods?


Describe one way African culture influenced American foodways.

What is the integration of African ingredients and cooking methods into Southern cuisine?


How did the Mayflower Compact contribute to self-governance?

What is by establishing a framework for governing the Plymouth Colony through majority rule?


How did relations with Native Americans impact the development of English colonies?

What are conflicts and alliances that influenced trade, land acquisition, and survival?


How did geography impact the development of the Mid-Atlantic Colonies?

What are fertile soil and navigable rivers that support farming and trade?


What impact did mercantilism have on the development of the colonies?

What encourages the production of raw materials and limits trade with countries other than England?


In what ways did enslaved Africans contribute to colonial architecture?

    • What is through skilled labor in constructing buildings, particularly in the Southern Colonies?


Describe the town meetings in New England.

What is a form of direct democratic rule where citizens could participate in decision-making


Compare the development of the Southern Colonies to that of the New England Colonies.

What are differences in economic focus (agriculture vs. trade), relations with Native Americans, and reasons for establishment (profit vs. religious freedom)?


Which colonies were known as the “breadbasket” colonies due to their grain production?

What are the Mid-Atlantic Colonies?


How did the system of mercantilism lead to tension between the colonies and England?

What are restrictions on trade that limited economic opportunities in the colonies?


How did the African population grow in the American colonies?

What is through the trans-Atlantic slave trade, which brought a significant number of Africans to the colonies?


How did Salutary Neglect affect the relationship between the colonies and England?

What is by fostering a sense of independence that eventually contributed to colonial resistance against British control?