American Literature
Who wrote it?
Author Mystery
America's Founding Fathers
Author's Purpose

These people wrote mainly religious items, including sermons, diaries, journals and poetry. 

What is Puritans?


"Real headdresses can't be bought--they must be constructed one feather at a time, over a period of perhaps ten, twenty, or thirty year."

Who is Fred Veilleux?


This man recorded the first document of the colonial self-governance in the English New World.

Who is William Bradford?


The man who had the biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence.

Who is John Hancock?


Story telling is the main purpose of this type of writing.

What is Narrative?


This is the first time period in American literature?

What is the Colonial period?

"Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element… "

Who is William Bradford?


This author was a slave and wrote a biography.

Who is Olaudah Equiano?


Name the 5 Ws we spoke about for the Declaration of Independence.

What is Who, What, When, Where, Why?


This type of writing uses adjectives to explain something in more detail.

What is descriptive writing?


Native Americans used this form of literature.

What is Oral?


"Then streight I 'gin my heart to chide, And did thy wealth on earth abide? Dids't fix thy hope on mouldering dust, The arm of flesh dids't make thy trust?"

Who is Anne Bradstreet?


This author is known for his sermons, most notably "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

Who is Jonathan Edwards?


The name of a not so well known Founding Father.

Who is...

George Mason

Gouvenereur Morris

Roger Sherman

James Wilson

Edmond Randolf


"Read these instructions carefully before beginning assembly." This is an example of a specific kind of writing. 

What is Expository?


Name two reasons why the first period of writing in America is called the Colonial period.

What is....

-It was the beginning of the new world.

-It began the melting pot that American is today.

-The European settlers were trying to "colonize" the Native Americans.

-Some other answers may be acceptable.


Thus was I like the hunted deer --

-- Every leaf and every whispering breath, Convey'd a foe, and every foe a death.

Who is Olaudah Equiano?

This author gained the title Father of the American Revolution.
Who is Thomas Paine?

Name 2 of the most well known founding fathers.

Who are...

George Washington

James Madison

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Franklin

Alexander Hamilton


The following passage is of a specific kind of writing.

The river was so smooth. Not a ripple, nor a splash. I was sitting on the soft green grass listening to the sounds of the crickets and staring at the motionless river. 

What is descriptive?


American literature reflects what?

What is...

-varied experiences


-values of Americans throughout history


"'TWAS mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there's a God, that there's a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither fought now knew,"

Who is Phillis Wheatley?


We were the woman's voice of poetry and writing during the Colonial period in America.

Who are Anne Bradstreet and Phillis Wheatley?


Name 3 of the 6 parts of the Declaration of Independence.

What are...


Statement of Beliefs

List of Complaints

Appeals to British Bretheran




This type of writing expresses an opinion.

What is persuasive writing?