Church of England
Enlightenment Thinkers
The New World
Revolutionary Ideas

This was the official, state-enforced religious institution of England during the 17th & 18th centuries.

The Anglican Church


This intellectual helped formulate the first set of theories which asserted the necessity of a state

Thomas Hobbes


Religious freedom, economic opportunities, political freedom, and adventure were some of the reasons people chose to become these in the 17th and 18th centuries.



The ideas of Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau inspired these 18th-century revolutions focused on liberty, democracy, and the rights of individuals.

American and French Revolutions


In 1534, this English king created the Anglican Church after the Pope refused to annul his marriage.

Henry VIII


Which European philosopher believed that the purpose of government is to protect natural rights?

John Locke


This was the term used to describe the independent administrations of the Thirteen Colonies that developed due to a lack of presence from England

benign neglect


This was the concept that the state was dependent upon the compliance of the populace

consent of the governed


This was the broad term for dissenting religious reformers who sought to cleanse the state-enforced religion of England in the 17th century and make it more aligned with Protestant ideology.



Which European philosopher proposed that dividing the government into three branches would prevent any one person or group from gaining total control?

Baron de Montesquieu


This was a legislative house of the colony of Virginia, which helped foster a since of independent governance from England.

The House of Burgesses


The Enlightenment influenced revolutionary thought by

instilling a belief in the natural rights of man.


Emphasized governance by elders, not church officials, and played a key role in opposing the Church of England's hierarchy.



This Philosopher would agree that religious toleration should be encouraged by all forms of government. 



After this war, England was in debt and began taxing the American colonists to help pay for it. 

Seven Years War or French and Indian War


According to John Locke, if the government failed to protect natural rights, what did citizens have a right to do?

To overthrow the government and establish a new one


These 17th-century laws were passed in England, by Elizabeth I, to enforce religious conformity and restrict the rights of non-Anglicans, particularly targeting Puritans and Catholics.

Clarendon Codes


This was the 1748 book published in France that codified the theory that, in order to avoid tyranny, the powers of the state should be divided amongst executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

The Spirit of the Laws


The "Shot Heard 'Round the World" was fired in these two towns on April 19, 1775, marking the start of the American Revolutionary War.

Lexington and Concord


The ideas contained in the Declaration of Independence were MOST influenced by what theory?

the Social Contract Theory.