New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
Colonial Era Primary Sources
Colonial Hodge Podge
These people are the founders of Massachusetts and came to America to escape religious freedom.
Who are the Pilgrims and Puritans?
Nickname given to the Middle colonies.
What is the Breadbasket colonies?
Date that Jamestown was founded.
What is 1607?
Document written by the Pilgrims that established representative government in Massachusetts.
What is the Mayflower Compact.
Economic system where the mother country has colonies to increase their wealth.
What is mercantilism?
This colony was founded when Roger Williams was forced to leave Massachusetts because he had different beliefs than the Puritans?
What is Rhode Island?
Colony that was founded by the Dutch and captured by the British in 1664.
What is New York?
Tobacco, Rice, Indigo
What cash crops were grown in the south?
King John was forced to sign this document in 1215 and it severely limited his powers.
What is Magna Carta?
Trade routes established during the colonial era to ensure that England benefitted off of the trade of her colonies.
What were the triangular trade routes?
This colony was founded by Thomas Hooker who wished for more limitations on the governors power.
What is Connecticut?
Founded as a refuge for Quakers to practice their religion freely.
What is Pennyslvania?
This colony was founded as a refuge for Roman Catholics to Practice their religion freely.
What is Maryland?
This document was the first written counstitution in North America.
What is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
Religious Movement that called people in the colonies to do charitable work and to question authority when necessary.
What is Great Awakenings?
The ecomomy of the New England colonies was based off of these products.
What were lumber or timber, shipbuilding, fishing, and whaleing?
Economy of the Middle colonies was based on these products.
What is wheats, grains, furs, and whaling?
This colony was founded as a place for debtors to start their lives over and to be a military buffer to protect the colonies from the Spanish in Florida.
What is Georgia?
Freedom of speech was gained by the English in this 1688 Document signed by William and Mary.
What is the English Bill of Rights?
The part of the triangular trade route where the slaves were imported to the colonies.
What is the Middle Passage?
Reason that the majority of the New Colonies were founded.
What is escaping religious persecution?
With the exception of Pennyslvania, all the middle colonies were founded for what reason.
What is trade?
The House of Burgessess, or the colonie's first representative assembly was located here.
What is Virginia?
Freedom of Press was gained after the trial of this New York News paperman.
What is the John Peter Zenger trial.
Benjamin Franklin proposed this plan to unite the colonies during the French and Indian War.
What is the Albany Plan of Union?