Founding Fathers
Columbus to Colonies
The 5 Influential Works
The Declaration of Independence
The author of the Declaration of Independence
Who is Thomas Jefferson
The early Europeans came to the Americas and said "what's up G,G,G!?" What in the 3 G's were they talkin about!?
What is God, Gold, Glory
This work was written in 1215 to prevent the British King from taking all the power from English Nobles.
What is the Magna Carta
The first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is known as
What is the Preamble
King George wanted to save some money so he allowed his soldiers in the colonies to shack up with colonists whenever they needed, this is know as.
What is the Quartering Act
This person was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence, his name became synonymous with signing a document.
Who is John Hancock
90% of all Native Americans died of this and before the United States even became a country...
What is of disease
This work helped push colonists over the edge to support the revolution against Britain fight for Independence.
What is Common Sense
In the second paragraph of the D.o.I., the colonists explain the rights of people and the role of government power come from these two things
What is from the Creator and the consent of the governed
Making colonist pay tax on all paper was done by this act of the King and Parliament.
What is the Stamp Act
This great American some called the first American asked Thomas Jefferson to write and create the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Ben Franklin
For the first 200 years of European settlement of North America slaves came from this country
What is Ireland
Englishmen declared they had a God given right to bear arms, a fair trial, and the right to run for Parliament. Colonist too believed they had these rights because they were Englishmen.
What is the English Bill of Rights
The third part of the constitution is essentially a
What is list of grievances
The Declaratory Act said....
What is that any law passed in the Colonies wasn't legal.
This great American led a revolt against the tea tax in Boston Harbor called the Boston Tea Party, mmmmm beeeer.
Who is Samuel Adams
In 1632 this colony started up in order to help English Catholics find religious freedom from the English Kings who severed all ties from Rome and the Catholic Church.
What is Maryland
The idea of self government came from this document written by those who landed at Plymouth Rock
What is the Mayflower Compact
Natural Rights are.... and they are granted by who
What is Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (or Property); they are granted by God.
Parliament and the King devised a scheme to tax goods that they knew Colonists couldn't make for themselves yet, like paint, glass, paper, tea, lead. This was know as the...
What is the Townshend Act
Mr. Finne's favorite saying and said by this great patriot.
What is "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" Patrick Henry
This work help drive home the idea of freedom of speech and being free to be critical of the government
What is Catos letters
At the end of the Declaration of Independence it is declared that the break with Great Britain begins when
What is immediately
After the Boston Tea Party protest King George and Parliament enacted the Coercive Acts, which crakced down on free-speech, protesting and redress of complaints to Parliament. For Americans this was the last straw! They called this Act.....
What is the Intolerable Acts!