Colonization founders
colonization settlements
native american interactions
colonial life

 He is often called the "Father of Virginia" for his role in establishing the Jamestown colony in 1607.

Who is Captain John Smith?


This colony was the first permanent English settlement in North America, founded in 1607.

What is Jamestown?


This Native American woman is famous for her role in helping the Plymouth colonists survive and for her interactions with them.

Who is Pocahontas?


This early form of representative government in Virginia was established in 1619.

What is the House of Burgesses?


This founder established the colony of Maryland in 1634 as a refuge for Catholics fleeing religious persecution.

Who is Lord Baltimore (Cecil Calvert)?


Founded in 1636, this colony later became a state and was known for its religious tolerance.

What is Rhode Island?


This Native American leader of the Powhatan Confederacy had a complex relationship with the Jamestown colonists.

Who is Chief Powhatan?


This cash crop became the economic foundation of the Virginia and Maryland colonies.

What is tobacco?


He is known as the founder of the colony of Georgia, established as a haven for debtors and those seeking religious freedom.

Who is James Oglethorpe?


In 1626, the Dutch purchased the island of Manhattan from Native Americans and established this colony.

What is New York (New Amsterdam)?


This Native American woman played a crucial role as a guide and interpreter for Lewis and Clark during their expedition.

Who is Sacagawea?


This term refers to the trade system between Europe, Africa, and the Americas, involving the exchange of goods, slaves, and culture.

What is the Triangular Trade?


He led a group of Pilgrims aboard the May

flower in 1620 to establish the Plymouth Colony.

Who is William Bradford?


This colony was founded in 1682 by William Penn as a haven for Quakers.

What is Pennsylvania?


This Native American leader led a multi-tribal confederation in the Ohio Valley during the French and Indian War.

Who is Chief Pontiac?


 In colonial New England, this religious group played a prominent role in community life and education.

Who are the Puritans?


This Dutch explorer is credited with founding New Amsterdam, which later became New York.

Who is Henry Hudson?


This colony was founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe as a place for debtors to start anew.

What is Georgia?


In the 1620s, this Native American confederation helped the Pilgrims in Plymouth and the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay survive harsh winters.

Who are the Wampanoag?


This famous religious revival in the American colonies during the 18th century played a significant role in shaping colonial society.

What is the Great Awakening?