Motives of Colonization
Development of the 13 Colonies
Economic Resources
Social Structure
Interactions with Native Groups

What were the three primary motives for European colonization of the New World?

God, Gold, Glory


Which colony was founded as a refuge for Catholics?



 Which cash crop became profitable in the Southern colonies?



 What was the social hierarchy in the Southern colonies?

Land owners at the top


Was Disney correct?



What were the primary motives for the Spanish.  

Religious conversion and to acquire Gold/Wealth


What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

Established self government

Protected religious freedom 

Laid the foundation for American democracy


What primary resource did the Northern Colonies utilize?

Timber from their abundant forests, which allowed them to develop a strong economy based on shipbuilding, fishing, and lumbering


 How did the Puritan work ethic shape the culture of New England?

Emphasis on religion, education, family life, and town structure.


Why were many Early interactions between the British and Native groups peaceful?

Trade, protection, mutually beneficial. 


What economic factors drove the British to establish colonies in North America?

The desire to access new sources of raw materials. 


Identify two key differences between the Northern and Southern colonies

Economic differences

Social differences


Describe the significance of the triangular trade system.  

facilitated a vast transatlantic exchange of goods and people, primarily involving the trade of enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas, which fueled the economies of European powers, the American colonies, and significantly impacted the development of the Americas through a system of trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas


 What impact did slavery have on the social structure of the Southern colonies?

Small elite class of wealthy plantation owners, who held most of the political and economic power


Describe one significant conflict between Native Americans and colonizers.

Powhatan War

King Phillips War

Pequot War


How did social motives, like opportunities for land ownership attract settlers to the colonies?

Social motives played a significant role in attracting settlers to the colonies, particularly for those seeking to escape rigid European class structures. In England, for example land was scarce and Primogeniture prevented many from owning land moving up the social ladder.


Describe the period of Salutary neglect.

Salutary neglect, policy of the British government from the early to mid-18th century regarding its North American colonies under which trade regulations for the colonies were laxly enforced and imperial supervision of internal colonial affairs was loose as long as the colonies remained loyal to the British government and contributed to the economic profitability of Britain.


What role did indentured servitude and slavery play in the economies of the British colonies, particularly in the South?

supplying cheap labor for the cultivation of cash crops like tobacco


How did Bacon's rebellion impact the social structure of the British colonies? 

Led to a sharp increase in the reliance on African slavery, effectively solidifying a racial hierarchy where poor white settlers were given more privileges than enslaved Africans


What were the effects of European diseases on Native populations?

Disease caused significant loss of life leaving Native groups vulnerable opening up regions to be conquered by Europeans.


Describe how religious motivations influenced colonization efforts, particularly in New England.

Puritans/separatists, escaping religious persecution. 

Colonization offered a chance to create new societies where they could practice their religion freely and escape persecution or social restrictions in Europe.


How did the geography of the Middle Colonies contribute to their economic development?

Blend of both regions, some farming due to climate, abundance of resources such as lumber fishing etc. 


Explain the relationship between colonial economies and European markets.

Colonial economies were largely structured to serve as suppliers of raw materials and cheap labor to European markets, with colonies primarily exporting primary goods like crops, minerals, and timber while importing manufactured goods from Europe, creating a system of dependency


Describe a colony that is an outlier in their region. 

Rhode Island, Maryland, Georgia, PA


Compare and contrast the British and Spanish interactions with Native peoples.

Spanish eventually assimilate native populations, British do not, forcibly remove populations.