Insert Colon
Colon, Semicolon or Comma?
Correct the Sentence
What are they good for?

Insert the colon in the correct place. 

So far, the class studied the following topics periods, commas, semicolons, and colons.  

So far, the class studied the following topics:  periods, commas, semicolons, and colons.  


Which punctuation?

This is what I ate for breakfast  ??  a bowl of oatmeal and an apple.



Use punctuation marks to correct the sentence.

The concert was amazing; especially the encore performance.

eliminate the semicolon -  add a comma


What is one function of a colon? 

Several answers


Insert the colon in the correct place.

He was faced with an important decision leave his job or stay and face the consequences

He was faced with an important decision: leave his job or stay and face the consequences


Which punctuation?

The phone rang several times  ??  no one answered.



Correct the sentence.

I can't wait to see: my friends, my family, and my coworkers.

eliminate the colon


What words can NOT come after a colon?

such as OR for example


Insert the colon in the correct place.

The decision is simple we leave now or stay here forever.

The decision is simple: we leave now or stay here forever.


Which punctuation?

While we were walking the dog after dinner  ??  the moon rose.



Correct the sentence. 

Claire helped Jamie see his fate, "You're never going to win the talent show. You aren't talented enough."

Claire helped Jamie see his fate: "You're never going to win the talent show. You aren't talented enough."


What is a comma + FANBOYS used for?

To join two independent clauses in which a word is needed to show how they go together.


Insert the colon in the correct place.

The English language is spectacular. There are 8 different types of punctuation marks

  • Periods
  • Question Marks
  • Exclamation Points
  • Commas
  • Semicolons
  • Colons
  • Dashes
  • Hyphens

The English language is spectacular. There are 14 different types of punctuation marks:

  • Periods
  • Question Marks
  • Exclamation Points
  • Commas
  • Semicolons
  • Colons
  • Dashes
  • Hyphens

Ryan's best sport is basketball  ??  but his brother excels at soccer.



Correct the sentence.

The following students gave reports Brevin Jacob and Elizabeth

The following students gave reports: Brevin, Jacob, and Elizabeth.


What is the difference between a colon (:) and a semicolon (;)?

Colons (:) are used in sentences to show that something is following, like a quotation, example, or list. 

Semicolons (;) are used to join two independent clauses, or two complete thoughts that could stand alone as complete sentences.


Insert the colon in the correct place. 

You will need the following supplies for your science-fair experiment paper, glue, and scissors.  

You will need the following supplies for your science-fair experiment:  paper, glue, and scissors.  


Which punctuation?

Mankind has only one thing left  ??  hope.



Correct this sentence: 

This year I want to visit four amazing cities Paris, France, London, England, New York USA, and Barcelona Spain.

This year I want to visit four amazing cities: Paris, France; London, England; New York, USA; and Barcelona, Spain.


What are the two functions of a semicolon?

To join two EQUAL independent clauses that have a strong relationship


For making complicated lists