Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut.
What are the New England Colonies?
The Puritans and the Pilgrims.
Who formed the New England Colonies?
Rich Soil.
They had what type of soil?
Money, religious freedom, and own their own land.
The Middle Colonies established to make..?
Slaves were brought over from various parts of...?
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia.
What are the Southern Colonies?
Whaling, shipbuilding, and fishing.
What were the economic advantages?
Cash crops.
What type of crops did the Southern Colonies have?
The Bread Basket Colonies.
What were the Middle Colonies known as?
North Carolina.
Where was Roanoke located?
New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey.
What are the Middle Colonies?
The land was very rocky.
Farming was difficult because...?
Hot summers and cold winters.
They had a lot of diseases do to the..?
Cash crops, such as wheat, barley, rye, corn, and any grain.
What type of crops did they have?
The Puritanism religion.
Which religion was in control of Massachusetts?
Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey.
What are all of the 13 Colonies?
What is the major religion?
They grew...?
Trading and shipbuilding.
Their economic advantages are...?
Someone who was hired to watch slaves when they worked and made sure they did their jobs.
What is an overseer?
Southern, Middle, and New England.
What are the different parts of the 13 original Colonies?
Substantial farming.
What farming was on the land?
A compact made on the Mayflower to settle out different leadership roles.
What was the Mayflower compact?
The Dutch, English, Quakers, and German.
Who settled in the land?
The people who came to New England to escape the king who punished them for their religion.
Who are the Puritans?