A leader strives to conduct himself or herself with a special quality called
is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way
Critical thinking
the sum of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make someone unique.
is the “intelligent use of emotions: you intentionally makeyouremotionsworkforyoubyusingthemtohelp guide your behavior andthinking in ways that will enhance your results.”
emotional intelligence
_________ refers to the way you put something together.
A ______ is an established requirement, a principle by which something can be judged
Developing the ability to think critically is
A lifelong endeavor, a never-ending process
_______ enjoy spending time with people.
Experts in the field identify five primary aspects of emo tional intelligence:
(1) self-awareness
(2) managing emotions
(3) self-motivation
(4) empathy for others
(5) interpersonal skills
___________ a diagram that shows how your communication will be organized — is a great way to start.
Creating an outline
the process through which leaders try to solve performance problems and develop their people.
Is the practice of intensely studying an issue, trying to see it clearly, and not becoming distracted by other issues that are somewhat related to, but different from, the specific question at hand
Focused thinking
The________ principle states that every newborn baby is born as if their mind were a blank slate onto which they write thoughts and experiences.
blank slate
One way to manageemotionsisthrough inner dialogue, or talking to yourself.
Inner Dialogue
“is the central message of an essay” and your essay’s “main idea.”
The thesis statement
a learning process that provides an opportunity for positive growth.
Constructive discipline
Is a special way to do brainstorming
One lesson of the ______ is that “feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
Johari Window
Is understanding, being aware of, and being sensi tive to the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another.
Your main goal in writing (or speaking) is to _________, and, in doing so, _________, _________ or __________
share meaning
Inform, persuade or entertain.
The L.E.A.D Model stand for
Lead with a clear purpose, empower to participate, aim for consensus and direct the team
Leaders try to influence other people, and in the process, ____________
make more leaders.
If you are a feeler, you have a strong sense of _____ and prefer to consider a problem from the other person’s perspective.
A person strives to heighten the motivation and morality of himself and his followers. This leader works to help followers “reach their fullest potential.
Transformational Leadership
Analyze purpose & audience
Research your topic
Support your ideas
Organize & outline
Fight for feedback & win approvall