blue + white
*see paper
Angel Reese is a basketball player for LSU. Consider her jersey. What color grouping is LSU's team colors?
Complementary - yellow and purple
Colors ACROSS from each other on the color wheel?
Christmas has two prominent colors. What color group do they belong to?
Complementary (red + green)
Name TWO neutral colors
black, white, grey, brown, tan
Mix the tertiary color yellow-green
*see paper
Two parts yellow, one part blue
There is a major league baseball team in Atlanta. They have three colors in their logo. What color group are their team colors?
Primary (red, yellow, blue)
Colors beside each other on the color wheel
Valentine's day is today! We think of Valentine's day with pinks and reds. What (temperature) color group does valentines day fall into?
*see paper
The Kansas City Chiefs just won the SUPER BOWL. Their have two team colors. What TEMPERATURE, are those two colors?
WARM (red and yellow)
colors INBETWEEN primary and secondary on the color wheel
HINT (there are six)
intermediate or tertiary colors
The Fourth of July has three colors, if you subtract white, what color group do the remaining two colors belond to?
PRIMARY (red + blue)
Name four of the six tertiary colors
Red-orange, red-violet, blue-green, blue-violet, yellow-orange, yellow-green
Mix all THREE secondary colors
Red + yellow = orange
Yellow + blue = green
blue + red = violet
*see paper
The Clemson Tigers have have had their two colors since 1896. The two colors fall into what color group?
Secondary (Orange, and Purple)
What are the only three TRUE colors on the color wheel?
red, yellow, blue
Halloween utilizes orange, green and purple. What color group are ALL THREE in?
Name TWO of the THREE complementary pairs.
red and green
blue and orange
yellow and violet
*see paper
Red + yellow + blue
The Florida Gators have two main colors. Their branding kit is recognizable, and provides contrast, because they are in what color group?
Complementary (orange and blue)
Where are NEUTRAL colors on the color wheel?
Neutral colors do not appear on the color wheel.
Black History Month is this month. The month utilizes red, green and yellow. Tell me how to mix ALL THREE.
Red - true color
Yellow - true color
Green - blue and yellow
Name FIVE of the SEVEN elements of art
color, line, shape, space, texture, value and form,