The 3 Primary Colors
What are Red, Yellow, and Blue?
Another name for Violet
What is Purple?
The 3 Main Complementary Color pairs
What are Red & Green, Yellow & Violet, and Blue & Orange?
Definition of the word TINT
What is a color plus white?
There is a total of __ tertiary colors.
What is 6?
When you mix 2 primary colors this is formed
What is a secondary color?
Red plus Yellow creates this color
What is Orange?
The name for 2 colors opposite of each other on the color wheel
What are Complementary Colors?
A color plus black
What is Shade?
Yellow-Orange is considered this type of color
What is a Tertiary Color?
A color created when you mix 1 primary and 1 secondary color together
What is a Tertiary Color?
Blue plus Red
What is Violet?
Red, Orange, and Yellow are the main colors of this color scheme
What is a Warm Color Scheme?
3 colors next to each other on the color wheel
What are Analogous Colors?
What are the 3 Complementary Color Logos I showed on the Color Theory Lecture.
What are Los Angeles Lakers, Mountain Dew, and Fanta?
When you mix all 3 primary colors equally you create this color
What is a Neutral Color?
Green is created with these 2 colors
What are Blue and Yellow?
Using tints, tones, and shades of 1 color
What is a Monochromatic Color Scheme?
A color formed by 2 complementary colors
What is a Neutral Color?
The Complementary color of Red-Orange
What is Blue-Green?
A color that creates all other colors, but cannot be created.
What is a Primary Color?
The 3 Secondary Colors
What are Orange, Violet, and Green?
The Main 3 colors of a Cool Color Scheme
What are Blue, Green, and Violet?
These two colors are considered both warm and cool colors
What are Red-Violet and Yellow-Green?
Are Red, Red-Orange, and Yellow considered Analogous Colors?
(YES or NO)