Early Exploratioins
Gold Rush Era
Native American Tribes & Early Communities
Climate and Geography
Historical Figures

This French explorer group conducted fur trade and explored western North America in the 1740s.

Who are the La Vérendrye Brothers?


These settlers rapidly moved to areas where gold was discovered in the mid-19th century.

Who are the "Fifty-Niners"?


This tribe historically lived in the Great Plains and Colorado and was known for their hunting and nomadic lifestyle.

Who are the Arapaho Tribe?


This climate is characterized by cold temperatures, heavy snowfall, and a short growing season.

What is Alpine Climate?


He led the Pike Expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory from 1806-1807.

Who is Zebulon Pike?


Zebulon Pike led this exploration to map and explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory from 1806-1807.

What is the Pike Expedition?


This term refers to settlements that quickly grew due to nearby gold or mineral discoveries.

What are Boom Towns?


This tribe historically inhabited parts of Colorado and adapted to the mountainous environment.

Who are the Ute Tribe?


This climate has hot summers, mild winters, and low annual precipitation, typical of the Colorado plains.

What is Semi-arid Climate?


He was a prominent figure in the Gold Rush era and a key player in the development of Colorado's early infrastructure.

Who is William Gilpin?


Stephen H. Long’s 1820 expedition led to the labeling of the area as this.

What is the "Great American Desert"?


These groups were formed to enforce law and order in the absence of formal law enforcement in early mining towns.

What are Vigilance Committees?


These tribes are known for their communal living and agriculture and inhabit parts of the southwestern United States.

Who are the Pueblo Tribes?


This river is major in Colorado and supports agriculture, industry, and recreation.

What is the Arkansas River?


This individual was an influential leader and administrator during the Gold Rush era, contributing to Colorado's development.

Who is John Evans?


Spanish explorers like Coronado searched for these mythical cities rumored to be rich in gold.

What are the Seven Cities of Gold?


Clara Brown, a successful entrepreneur during the Gold Rush, was notable for her work in this field.

Who is an African American philanthropist and entrepreneur?


The Cheyenne Tribe traditionally lived in this region, which includes parts of Colorado.

What are the Great Plains?


This geographical region is characterized by high elevation, plateaus, and canyons, spanning parts of Colorado and neighboring states.

What is the Colorado Plateau?


This early explorer’s expedition led to the naming of the “Great American Desert.”

Who is Stephen H. Long?


This Spanish explorer established missions in the 17th and 18th centuries to convert Native Americans.

Who are the Spanish Explorers?


This event led to a dramatic increase in Colorado's population and the formation of boom towns.

What is the Gold Rush?


These early explorers and trappers in the Rocky Mountains were known for their fur trapping and exploration.

Who are the Mountain Men?


These building materials, made from mud and straw, were used by early settlers in the San Luis Valley.

What are Adobe Bricks?


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulted in the cession of a significant portion of territory, including parts of Colorado, to the United States after this war.

What is the Mexican-American War?