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Colorado History

Katharine Lee Bates wrote what famous patriotic US song in 1893 after climbing Pikes Peak, just west of Colorado Springs?

What is "America the Beautiful"?

"O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain! [...]"


This US President was responsible for initiating the Louisiana Purchase, which brought a part of Colorado into the US in 1803.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


This slogan appears on the Colorado State Quarter, first released in 2006.

What is "Colorful Colorado"?


This wooly creature is the state animal of Colorado.

What is the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep?


The area around Denver initial developed as a town in the late 1850s due to a rush of people seeking what?

What is gold?


Colorado is known as a "headwaters state", in that all of its rivers begin in the state and flow outwards. Colorado is one of only two "headwaters states" along with what other US state?

What is Hawaii?


This world-renowned inventor lived in Colorado Springs from 1899-1900 to test wireless power transmission.

Who is Nikola Tesla?


This is the official title of Colorado's 100-person state legislature.

What is the Colorado General Assembly?


This variety of beryl is the state gemstone of Colorado.

What is aquamarine


This famous railroad line laid the first tracks to and in Colorado in 1867 along the South Platte River.

What is the Union Pacific Railroad?


This is the highest of Colorado's 53 "fourteener" mountains.

What is Mount Elbert?


James William Denver held what office during the early expansion of the settlement (now city) named after him?

What is the Territorial Governor of Kansas?


The current USS Colorado is this type of naval vessel?

What is a nuclear-powered attack submarine?


This dinosaur was selected to represent the state in 1982.

What is the stegosaurus?


Denver is still the only city to back out of hosting what major international event after being selected?

The Olympics (in 1976)


The Colorado River runs through 7 US and 2 Mexican states before emptying into this body of water.

What is the Gulf of California?


This former US Senator from Colorado was the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 1988, until they dropped out.

Who is Gary Hart?


This institution of higher education was the first such college/university in Colorado, opening in 1864.

What is the University of Denver? (as Colorado Seminary)

Discovered on Pike's Peak in 1862, this became our state tree in 1939.
What is the Blue Spruce?

On April 20th, 1914, the Colorado National Guard & private security guards killed 21 people during a coal miners' strike in this famous incident.

What is the Ludlow Massacre


This US National Park in Colorado is named for its "colorful" canyon, whose name comes from the shadows cast by its narrow walls?

What is the "Black Canyon of the Gunnison" National Park?


These two individuals raised in Colorado (1 a native) created a famous and long-running TV cartoon set in Colorado, and now own a restaurant in Lakewood.

Who are Trey Parker and Matt Stone?


This Colorado town is the highest-elevation incorporated city in North America.

What is Leadville

Native to the Rocky Mountains, this beautiful flower was adopted as the official state flower in 1899.

What is the white and lavender Columbine.

In 1925, the General Assembly made it the duty of all citizens to protect this rare species from needless destruction or waste.


This 1848 agreement officially ended the Mexican-American War and gave the remaining portions of Colorado (and other areas in the Southwest) to the United States.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo