When do child and adult hands need to be washed?
When entering the classroom (in the morning,after outside time, and after therapy)
After using the bathroom or diaper change
Before & after meals
After blowing/wiping a nose
Before & after sensory play
How long does gross motor space need to be observed for and what kind of play needs to be observed?
No less than 30 minutes.
Vigorous gross motor play.
How long do all centers need to be accessible during the observation? Otherwise known as free play
At least 1 hour!
What is a positive peer interaction? How can you support positive peer interactions?
Children playing nicely with each other or next to each other. Sharing. Working together on a task.
The teacher can support positive peer interactions by walking a child through a social problem. Giving them examples of things to say. Saying lets use gentle touches so we keep our friends safe.
Teachers can point out positive peer interactions. " I like the way you......"
When can music be played in a classroom?
During nap time (not too loud that you can not hear the children).
During music and movement activity.
NOTE: Play or sing music of a different language during observation.
What are handwashing steps?
Turn water on
Wet hands in warm water
Get soap
Rub hands for 20 seconds outside of water
Rinse hands Dry hands with paper towel
Turn off sink with paper towel
Throw paper towel away (do not touch trashcan lid)
How should a classroom be arranged?
Centers need to be organized from quiet to loud. (blocks/music/dramatic play to fine motor/science/art/sensory to reading/cozy)
Messy play (art or sand/water) near a sink
Blocks center has a rug to reduce noise
Centers that require more space (blocks/dramatic play) need to have sufficient space to accommodate play.
What makes an interest center?
What makes a play center?
An interest center is a center used for a specific type of play (blocks, dramatic play, fine motor, art, science) It is big enough for the type of play and has furniture for the type of play.
NOTE: No outside toys can be brought into the center, if they are redirection needs to happen immediately.
A play center is an area where multiple types of play can happen.
How can the teacher support learning of feelings?
You gave your friend a crayon. That made him happy.
Look at his face, he looks upset.
How long can children be "waiting" for?
How can you keep a "wait time" from happening?
There should be no wait time longer than 3 minutes.
Teachers can sing with the children, do finger play, or play a game with the children (summon says)
What are the diaper changing steps?
1. Prepare (diapers, wipes, gloves)
2. Get child
3. Take off diaper
4. Wipe (one wipe per swipe)
5. Roll up diaper in gloves
6. Throw away gloves/diaper
7. wipe child hands then wipe adult hands
8. Put on clean diaper.
9. Dress child
10. Wash child's hands
11. clean changing table
12. wash adult hands
IMPORTANT: Tell the child the steps as you do them, show them the mobile, talk about math!
How do children's personal items need to be stored?
Children need furniture with ample space for children to store personal possessions without items touching those of another child.
What centers do staff need to play with children in and extend their learning?
All of them!
Fine motor-ask questions, such as what happens when you put those together
Blocks -build with blocks, ask children to count blocks, ask them what would happen if, talk about sizes and shapes
Dramatic play-talk about printed words and numbers talk about and have conversations with children about play
What should a teachers reaction be when a child hits another child?
The teacher should comfort the child that got hit. The teacher should get down on the child's level and tell them why their actions where unsafe.
How far apart do nap mats/ cots & cribs need to be from each other?
How can you teach self help skills at meal time?
How can you teach self help skills during toileting/diapering?
Encourage/ teach children to use a spoon. Have children clean up a spill. Children serve themselves. Children throw away their own items.
Encourage children to pull up/down their own pants. Have children use stairs to changing table.
What should classroom display include?
Where should these items be located?
Classroom display should include:
Photographs or current students and their families
Photographs of current children engages in classroom activities
Pictures related to current theme
1/3 of the displayed materials need to be children's individual art
Mobiles or colorful 3-d hanging objects (infant/toddlers)
3-D child-created work (ECERS)
Classroom display needs to be at eye level!
ITERS: Staff must provide extended talk about displayed materials (needs observed twice)
ECERS: Staff use display to encourage informational conversations with children (needs observed once)
Staff must be observed pointing out and reading words in the display in a way that interest children.
What is an example of child directed art and how can you expand the child's learning during this art activity?
Art where the child is free to do what they want with the materials given to them. Art that does not all look alike.
To expand learning ask the child to tell you what they drew/made. Then ask the child questions about what they told you it was. Ask open ended questions.
How can you use math during routine care (meals, diapering, ect)?
How can you use math in the science center?
Lets count how many fingers you have?
Lets count how many carrots you have?
You have more ____ and less ______.
Can you sort the _____ by color/shape/size?
Lets measure these to see what is bigger/heavier.
How should AND shouldn't books be used in the classroom?
Books should be used as a positive experience! Children and adults should read books multiple times thorough the observation. Children should be asked long and short answer questions. Children need to be interested!
Do not use books as a required transition activity or a forced calm down/quiet activity! Children are not forced to listen to a book being read.
How do you prepare children for & start children to eat at a meal?
Clean the food prep area, sinks, & tables/ highchair (soapy water, water, sanitizer, wait 2 min, water)
Wash teachers hands (water, soap, scrub 20 sec outside of water, rinse, paper towel)
Wash all children's hands. (water, soap, scrub 20 sec outside of water, rinse, paper towel)
Have children sit at table - food should be served family style, no wait times!
Sit with the children in adult chair, eat and talk with them.
Infants need to be held during bottle feeding.
How many interest centers are needed in an ECERS room? What centers?
How many interest centers are needed in an ITERS room? What centers?
ECERS needs 5 interest centers (Blocks, dramatic play, fine motor, science, & art)
ITERS needs 3 interest centers in toddler classrooms (Blocks, dramatic play, fine motor) & 2 play areas in infants
What nature/science experiences need to be observed during an observation? Examples?
Staff need to draw attention to nature/science 3 times during observation
Closely supervise sand and water play
Experience living plants or animals indoor
ECERS - staff initiate activities for measuring, comparing, or sorting using nature/science materials
NOTE: no negative experiences ( do not show fear of bugs!)
What does active supervision look like?
Counting children often
Name to face
Moving around the room so all children can be seen
Not having your back to the children
Attention being on the children not on cell phones or co workers
Room arranged so all children can be seen.
Listening for sounds
What does circle time/ group time look like and what if a child does not want to participate?
There should be other activities available for a child who is not interested in group time. A child should be allowed to leave group time when they are no longer interested. Children should be allowed to sit in a way that is comfortable for them or hold something in their hands if needed. If group is not interested move on to something else.