White Racial Identity

Based on this statement, which white racial identity status does this person fit in?

"Well, I'm not going to think of you as Black. I'll just think of you as my friend who has a natural tan."

Contact status


Based on the following account of a Native American student, which form of microaggression would this be considered?

"I remember once the day after Columbus Day, I said that what happened to Native Americans was comparable to what happened to the Jews during World War II. I said that it wasn't the same, but there were parallels. And someone in the class said that I was wrong and went into all these details about the Holocaust. I was thinking that the details weren't my point."



True or false: Black students make up less than 1% of the student population at UWL.



Which myth does this quote fit under? 

"If you just worked harder you could achieve your goals. Being White has had nothing to do with my success."

The myth of meritocracy


Based on this statement, which white racial identity status does this person fit in?

"Well, why can't we see each other as individuals instead of race always being an issue?"

Contact status


Based on the following account of a Latina student, which form of microaggression was she targeted with?

"In a Spanish class, because I was Mexican, people assumes I would know Spanish, and I didn't. When they found out I didn't really know it they say, "You're just Latina on the outside, not on the inside."



How many of the chancellors at UWL have been a person of color?



Based on the following statement, which myth would this fit under?

"Racism doesn't exist anymore. It's 2021, we are all treated the same no matter your race or ethnicity."

Myth of fair treatment


Based on this interaction, what white racial identity status would the White student fit in?

"I was wearing a Black Student Union shirt and he [a White dorm resident] walked up to me and asked me how I would feel if he were to wear a 'White Power' shirt. I said, 'You have no reason to wear a White Power shirt because this university is itself part of your White power.' He said, 'I totally disagree because I can graduate with a 4.0 and you can graduate with a 2.0 and you're going to do far better than I am.' He also said that he found a notebook in the computing center and that the grammar inside was really bad. And, just as he suspected, a person of color came to retrieve the notebook. He also said that he was resentful of the fact that there are so many Black students here and that the reason that there was racism was because most White people are not as good at controlling their anger as he is."

Reintegration Status


Based on the following account of a Black student, which type of microaggression would this be considered? 

"In class, this one girl made it seem that Blacks are all lower class and don't know anything but the ghetto."



Of the students attending UWL, what percentage is made up of White students?

About 89%


Based on the following statement, which myth would this fit under?

"Affirmative Action is stupid! We all have the same opportunities so why should some people get extra help? I'm struggling too but you don't see me asking for any government handouts!"

Myth of equal opportunity


Based on this interaction, what white racial identity status would the White student being described fit in?

"Since I've been here, one of my closest friends, she's White, and she's very aware of what it means for her to be a White woman, what it means to me, how she fits into the broad framework. You know, she's not necessarily knowledgeable about everything about Asian American culture, but I tell her."

Immersion/Emersion Status


Based on the following account of a student of color, what form of microaggression would this fit in?

"When I was in an English class, one of the White men in the class said, 'Well, I don't know what everyone's all worked up about. I've never seen any act of racism on campus.'"



Of 3790 universities, where do you think UWL stands in terms of racial/ethic diversity of students? (1 being most diverse and 3790 being least diverse)

a. 3096

b. 2784

c. 3343

d. 3652

c. 3343


Based on the following statement, which myth would this fit under?

"They can't complain about not having enough money. If they just worked harder they wouldn't be in that situation in the first place."

Myth of meritocracy