Torah Reading rules
Jewish Leaders in Tanach
Figures in the Gemara
from the Maimo Talmud curriculum

When do we have 6 aliyot?

Yom Kippur


Which holiday does not have the same Korban musaf on each day of it?



The leader who takes over for Moshe appears first in this story.

Chet Hameraglim


This Rabbi says that you light 8 candles on the first night of Chanukah, and this is one possible reason why.

Shamai,like פרי החג, count by days still coming


What is the case that you can have 1 mezuzah for 2 doorways?

"מאחורי הדלת" when they are within a tefach of each other

Name all days (and no extra) that have 4 Aliyot

Rosh Chodesh and Fast Days


Which holiday is it possible to have more days of it if you are an Israeli who is in Israel during the holiday than for American who is in America during the holiday?

Purim, if one day you are in Yerushalayim, and one day in another city


In Bamidbar 21 when it says

וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר הָעָ֗ם בֵּֽאלֹהִים֮ וּבְמֹשֶׁה֒ לָמָ֤ה הֶֽעֱלִיתֻ֙נוּ֙ מִמִּצְרַ֔יִם לָמ֖וּת בַּמִּדְבָּ֑ר כִּ֣י אֵ֥ין לֶ֙חֶם֙ וְאֵ֣ין מַ֔יִם וְנַפְשֵׁ֣נוּ קָ֔צָה בַּלֶּ֖חֶם הַקְּלֹקֵֽל׃

and lots of Jews die, how does Moshe solve this problem?

Made a נחש נחשת that they have to look at.


A famous Rabbi Akiva story happens in a city near Tel Aviv- what is the story, and where does it happen?

Seder- in Bnei Brak


What are two possible reasons why a gambler cannot be a witness?

1.  Gambling is an Asmachta (ie- is stealing)

2.  He doesn't have another job/ is not doing Yishuv Olam (making the world a better place)


During which Torah reading do we repeat a pasuk? Why?

(Half credit for each)

Rosh Chodesh, Can't leave over less than 3 psukim in a section.


Which fast days does Zecharia tell us will become holidays when "אמת ושלום אהבו"? 

(Even if you don't know the pasuk in Zecharia, just answer which fast days you think will turn into holidays.)

The fasts of Av, Tamuz, Tevet, and Tishrei(ie-Tzom Gedalia)


How old was Aharon when he stood before Paroh?



Which husband and wife argued about what we hope for the wicked?

Rabbi Akiva and Bruriah


Though there are exceptions, as a general rule on Shabbat, we say cooking can occur in this kind of dish, but not in this kind?

Kli sheni vs kli rishon


What is the minimum number of psukim that could be read in total for a Torah reading?

And what is the basis for this number?

  10- עשרה בטלנין


What hour can you eat Chametz until (sha'a zmania), on what day?

Till the end of the fourth hour on the day of erev pesach (יד ניסן)


Where does Miriam die?

מדבר צין  , קדש


Which leader taught the whole Torah to someone on one foot and how?

Hillel- ואהבת לרעך כמוך


What is the problem with putting an already cooked solid food on a flame on Shabbat?

מחזי כמבשל


What pasuk is the frequency we read the Torah during the week based on?

According to the Gemara in Bava Kama (82a), the pasuk 

"וילכו שלשת ימים במדבר ולא מצאו מים" (שמות טו, כב)

teaches us this.


The Gemara (Megillah) tells us that this tragedy happened when some people got too drunk on Purim.

For full credit, must also discuss the aftermath.

Rabah kills Rebbe Zeira.

He comes back to life when Rava davens.


Which leader sat under a palm tree?



Who is the leader who met Vespasian to request some things for the Jews, and how many requests did he make of him?

רבי יוחנן בן זכאי; 3


What is Tosfot's position on what it means to wait from one meal to another?

till you bench and clear the table