Historical Figures
Key Terms
Anything and Everything
Video Questions
In the Bible
According to the video we watched, there is more and better evidence for the existence of Jesus than for the existence of this Greek conqueror and king.
Who is Alexander the Great?
This a word used to describe the first five books of the Bible. Colson says there is good historical evidence to indicate that Moses may have written these books.
What is the Pentateuch or the Torah?
According to Colson, both Christianity and this religion are considered "historical" religions.
What is Judaism?
This test says that if the NT writers included embarrassing information about themselves, then it is more likely that they are telling the truth.
What is the honesty test?
Colson says Christians should not separate "faith from facts." From 1 Corinthians 15, this event is a perfect example of the principle. Paul says if this event did not happen, then our "faith is in vain."
What is the resurrection?
This man says that if we take the claims of Jesus seriously, then he must either be a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord.
Who is C.S. Lewis?
This term refers to the idea that God reveals the truth to his people in stages.
What is progressive revelation?
Colson says this may be one of the early New Testament manuscripts written within 17years of Jesus' death.
What is the Magdalen manuscript?
According to the claims of the Bible, this person of the trinity is responsible for the truth of the Bible.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
According to Colson, this miracle from the bible can be explained naturally on the basis of geography and weather patterns.
What is the crossing of the Red Sea?
The existence of this governor of Judea is confirmed not only in the Bible, but also through archaeological evidence such as an inscription in stone from the city of Caesarea.
Who is Pontius Pilate?
Examining the "time gap" and number of manuscripts for historical documents is know as this sort of test.
What is the telephone test?
Colson used a personal example from his involvement in this scandal to show that the "conspiracy theory" of the resurrection could not have possibly worked.
What is the Watergate scandal?
This is the Latin word from which we get the English word "Bible."
What is biblia?
According to 1 Corinthians 15:17, this is the historical event on which the Christian faith depends.
What is the resurrection?
This Roman emperor knew the spot of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection because a Roman temple had been built on the site to cover it up.
Who is Constantine?
This term means historical accuracy.
What is historicity?
According to the video watched in class, this is the number of Christian and non-Christian sources within 150 years of Jesus' death that confirm the teachings of the Bible.
What is 9 non-Christian sources and 33 Christian sources?
This test looks for sources outside of the Bible that confirm the events, people, and facts from Scripture.
What is the Corroboration test?
According to Colson and the book of Romans, it was necessary for Jesus to do this in order to secure salvation.
What is die?
According to Coslon, this philosopher said that evolution doesn't just apply to species, but to ideas as well. Thus religious thought in the Bible evolves from simple ideas to complex ideas.
Who is Georg Friedrich Hegel?
This is the Greek word for repentance which means a change of mind. According to Colson, the second thief crucified with Jesus demonstrated this sort of repentance.
What is metanoia?
This is the Christian church located at the traditional site of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection?
What is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher?
According to the video, this is the number of manuscripts that we have of the New Testament.
What is 24,633?
These are the five people/groups at the cross of Jesus that show us various possible responses to Jesus' sacrificial death.
Who are the guards, mockers, apathetic people, first thief, and second thief?