Services Provided

What insurance is responsible for covering the cost of PRP?

What is Medicaid


What is the name of the current EMR that Maple Shade uses for record keeping?



Within how many days after a client is discharged from PRP does the discharge summary need to be completed?

10 days


What happens if a client is admitted to a psychiatric inpatient facility or detention center?

To worker's best efforts maintain ongoing communication with the client and the client's inpatient treatment team

Participate in aftercare or release planning from the setting


Name 3 examples of  'Self Care' rehabilitation activities

(1) Age-appropriate self care skills, including:

(a) Personal hygiene;

(b) Grooming;

(c) Nutrition;

(d) Dietary planning;

(e) Food preparation; and

(f) Self-administration of medication;

How does a client get recommended for PRP?
Only by a licensed mental health professional's referral

What does HIPA stand for?

The Health Insurance Portability Act


What is a discharge summary?

Document that details plans for client's eventual discharge from program


How many months are authorizations good for?

3 or 6 months


What are 'social skills' rehabilitation activities?

Including community integration activities, developing natural supports, and developing linkages with and supporting the minor's participation in community activities


What are 3 of the criteria for program enrollment?  

(a) Have severe functional impairments in at least one or more life domains;

(b) Based on the clinical evaluation and ongoing treatment plan, are, with PRP services, expected to have reduced symptoms of their mental illness or their functional behavioral impairment as a result of their mental illness;

(c) Have an impairment as a result of their mental illness that results in:

(i) A clear, current threat to the minor's ability to be maintained in the minor's customary setting;

(ii) An emerging or pending risk to the safety of the minor or others; or

(iii) Other evidences of significant psychological or social impairment such as inappropriate social behavior causing serious problems with peer or family relationships;

(d) Due to dysfunction, is at risk for requiring a higher level of care, or is returning from a higher level of care;

(e) There is clinical evidence that:

(i) The current intensity of outpatient treatment will not be sufficient to reduce the minor's symptoms and functional behavioral impairment resulting from the mental illness and restore the minor to an appropriate functional level, or prevent clinical deterioration, or avert the need to initiate a more intensive level of care due to the current risk to the individual or others; or

(ii) For minors transitioning from an inpatient, day hospital, or residential treatment setting to a community setting, PRP services will be necessary to prevent clinical deterioration and support successful transition back to the community, or avert the need to initiate or continue a more intensive level of care;

(f) The minor's disorder can be expected to improve through medically necessary rehabilitation or there is clinical evidence that this intensity of psychiatric rehabilitation is needed to maintain the minor's level of functioning; and

(g) The minor is judged to be in enough behavioral control to be safe in the psychiatric rehabilitation program and benefit from the psychiatric rehabilitation provided.


What is the document called that is required to be signed and present in the client's file for the PRP worker to communicate with outside agencies regarding the child?

Release of Information


What are three possible reasons for discharge from PRP?

1.) An individual has attained the goals identified in the individual's service plan

2.) the individual's actions, 

3.) the program's services are not effective

4.) the individual's clinical needs exceed the program's ability to secure the safety and welfare of the individual or others 

 5.) client relocation

6.) Parental request


What does a client have to be enrolled in first to receive PRP services? 

Must be enrolled in mental health therapy


Name 3 'Independent Living' rehabilitation activities

(a) Maintenance of the minor's living environment;

(b) Community awareness;

(c) Mobility skills;

(d) Money management; and

(e) Accessing available entitlements;


What are "serious emotional disturbances?"

a) Manifest in an individual younger than 18 years old;

(b) Diagnosed according to a current diagnostic classification system that is recognized by the Secretary, excluding the following, unless they co-exist with a diagnosable psychiatric disorder: 

(i) Developmental disorders;

(ii) Substance abuse; and

(iii) Disorder classified under the "V" code; and

(c) Characterized by a functional impairment that substantially interferes with or limits the minor's functioning in the family, school, or community.


What is MSYFS's timeframe expectation of client encounters?

Within 24 hours 

Name 3 three things to be included in a discharge summary

(1) Reason for admission;

(2) Reason for discharge;

(3) Services provided, including the frequency and duration of services;

(4) Progress that was made;

(5) Diagnosis at the time of discharge, if appropriate;

(6) Current medications, if any;

(7) Continuing service recommendations and summary of the transition process; and

(8) Extent of the individual's involvement in the discharge plan.

E. Program's Recommendation to Discontinue Services.


What is a transition plan?

A transition plan involves a detailed description and process for the transition of the participant to an alternate level of service, what assistance is needed, and the providers of the referring and receiving services.


Name 3 other rehabilitation activities

Activities that support the minor's cultural interests;

 Conflict resolution;

 Anger management;

 Interactive skills with peers and authority figures;

 Maintaining personal living space;

 Maintaining age-appropriate boundaries;

 Maintaining personal safety in a social environment

 Time management, including constructive use of structured and unstructured time


How long is allotted for screening after receiving the initial referral?

5 working days


What is supposed to be documented in the initial assessment with the client and parent (has the family applied for it)?



What is included in a discharge plan?

A brief description of the recommendations for continued treatment, if any;

(ii) Referrals for continuing services; and

(iii) Information about how the individual can re-access services when needed;


Who is the rehabilitation specialist?

The PRP program director


What documentation is required that outlines the types of services provided for the individuals enrolled in the program?