Factorials and Pascal's Triangle
Binomial Theorem and Expansion
Combinations and Permutations
Evaluate 4!
4! = 24
Evaluate 5 C 3 (5 choose 3)
5 C 3 = 10
Set up but do not evaluate: In how many different ways can 9 floats line up for a parade?
9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
Set up but do not evaluate. The game euchre uses only 24 cards. How many 5-card hands can be made in the game?
24 C 5
You roll one 6-sided die. What is the probability that the number is even?
3/6 or 1/2
What is the 5th line of Pascal's triangle?
1 5 10 10 5 1
Evaluate 8 C 5 (8 choose 5)
8 C 5 = 56
Set up but do not evaluate: A customer can choose one of 4 different salad mixes, one of 8 different toppings, and one of 5 dressings. How many different salads can s/he create?
8 x 4 x 5 or 160 different salads
Set up but do not evaluate: Your school yearbook has an editor-in-chief and an assistant editor-in-chief. If the yearbook staff has 15 members, in how many different ways can these positions be filled?
15 x 14
You roll two 5-sided dice. What is the probability that their product is a multiple of 3?
9/25 (Hint: make a table of products)
Evaluate 6!/3!
6!/3! = 4x5x6 = 120
Write the expansion for (x + y)^5
1x^5 y^0 + 5x^4 y^1 + 10x^3 y^2 + 10x^2 y^3 + 5x^1 y^4 + 1x^0 y^5
Set up but do not evaluate: In how many different ways can you answer a 14 question true or false quiz?
2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 or 2^14
Set up but do not evaluate: A video store receives 11 new movie posters. The store manager only has wall space for 4 posters. In how many ways can the manager choose which posters s/he will hang?
11 C 4
You toss 4 fair coins. What is the probability that 3 or more of them are heads?
WITHOUT a calculator, calculate the following product: 11x11x11x11
14641 (you can get this from the 4th row of Pascal's triangle)
What is the coefficient for the term x^7 y^2 in the expansion of (x + y)^9 ?
9! / (7!2!) = 36
Set up but do not evaluate: In a certain state, the license plate is made up of 3 letters followed by 4 numbers. If the letters may not be used more than once, and the first number must be greater than 5, but any number can be reused, how many different license plates are possible?
26 x 25 x 24 x 4 x 10 x 10 x 10
Set up but do not evaluate: A relay race has 4 runners who run different parts of the race. There are 16 students on your track team. In how many different ways can your coach select students to compete in the race?
16 x 15 x 14 x 13
In a bag of marbles, there are 5 red marbles labeled 1 through 5 and 8 blue marbles labeled 1 through 8. What is the probability that you draw a red marble a an even numbered marble?
5/13 + 6/13 - 2/13 = 9/13
How many numbers are there in the (n+4)th row of Pascal's triangle?
Evaluate n C (n-1) (n choose n-1)
Set up, but do not evaluate: In how many ways can you arrange the letters in the name John Phillip Sousa?
15! / 1!2!2!1!2!2!2!2!1!1!
Set up but do not evaluate: A box contains 12 black and 8 green marbles. In how many different ways can you choose 3 black marbles and 2 green marbles?
(12 C 3 ) x (8 C 2)
In a bag of marbles, there are 5 red marbles labeled 1 through 5 and 8 blue marbles labeled 1 through 8. You draw two marbles without replacement. What is the probability that you draw a blue, odd-numbered marble first and that you draw a multiple of 4 next?
(4/13) x (3/12) = (4/13) x (1/4) = 1/13