Who received the revelation about being called to serve as a translator in D&C 6?
Oliver Cowdery
What was Oliver Cowdery’s role in the translation of the Book of Mormon?
He was a scribe for the Book of Mormon and made attempts at translating the text.
In D&C 6:14, what does the Lord promise to those who believe in Him?
The Lord promises to give them the Spirit of truth and to guide them.
What does the Lord say about faith in D&C 6:9?
Faith is essential in receiving answers from the Lord.
How can we apply the principle of patience taught in D&C 6:10-12 when waiting for personal revelation?
We can learn to trust that the Lord’s timing is perfect and continue to be faithful and patient while waiting for His guidance.
What was the main message of the Lord's instruction to Oliver Cowdery in D&C 6:19-20?
Oliver should be patient, faithful, and have confidence that the Lord would help him in his efforts to translate.
In D&C 6:7, what does the Lord say about Oliver’s role in His work?
Oliver is called to assist in bringing forth the fullness of the gospel.
According to D&C 8:2, how does the Lord describe the spirit of revelation?
The Spirit speaks to the heart and mind.
How does the Lord explain the relationship between patience and revelation in D&C 6:10-12?
The Lord teaches that patience is necessary as He gives answers in His own time.
In what ways can we recognize and act on the promptings of the Holy Spirit as described in D&C 8:2-3?
We can learn to be more mindful of the promptings that come to our hearts and minds, and then act on them with faith, trusting that the Spirit is guiding us.
In D&C 8:2-3, what does the Lord say about the spirit of revelation?
The Lord tells Oliver that he would have the Spirit of revelation if he has faith.
How does the Lord reassure Oliver in D&C 6:12 that he is not alone in his mission?
The Lord tells him that He will be with him and will provide help in his endeavors.
How does the Lord describe the Holy Spirit's role in D&C 9:8?
The Holy Spirit will help guide individuals, helping them understand and gain knowledge.
In D&C 6:33-34, what does the Lord promise to those who show patience and faith?
The Lord promises that they will be able to accomplish the work He has given them to do.
How can the teaching in D&C 6:15 about humility help us in our own spiritual journeys?
We can apply the principle of humility by being open to the Lord’s guidance, being willing to learn, and recognizing that we need His help in all things.
What does the Lord promise in D&C 9:8 for those who are humble and seek to know His will?
The Lord will give them knowledge and understanding.
According to D&C 8:1-3, what is the specific gift that Oliver Cowdery is promised?
The gift to translate by the Spirit, just as Joseph Smith had.
In D&C 6:23, how can one recognize the Spirit of the Lord?
The Spirit will bring peace, joy, and understanding to the heart.
What does the Lord say in D&C 6:7 about those who lack patience?
They will not understand His will unless they are patient and faithful.
How can the principle of study and faith in D&C 9:7-9 guide us in our personal learning and decision-making processes?
We can apply this by first studying out the matter we are facing, then seeking the Lord’s confirmation through prayer and the Spirit, and having the faith to follow through.
According to D&C 6:15, what is the key to understanding the voice of the Lord?
Humility and being receptive to the Spirit.
What does the Lord teach Oliver in D&C 9:7-9 about the importance of learning by study and by faith?
The Lord explains that Oliver must first seek revelation by study, and then by faith, and that he should be patient.
According to D&C 8:2-3, what is the relationship between the Holy Ghost and knowledge?
The Holy Ghost helps to reveal knowledge and truth to the mind.
How does the Lord encourage Oliver to exercise faith while he waits for answers in D&C 8:10-12?
He tells Oliver to trust in the Lord and continue in faith, even when answers seem delayed.
How can we apply the lessons about receiving revelation from D&C 6:14 and 9:8 in our daily lives to make important decisions?
We can seek personal revelation through prayer and by being attentive to the Spirit, recognizing that the Lord will guide us when we are humble, patient, and willing to act.