Desire to find gold. Comfort or Anxiety.
Comfort, brings hope to the people
Midas's passion for gold. Comfort or anxiety.
comfort, he likes looking at it
Counting her rings. Comfort or anxiety.
Comfort, it eases her mind
La Rinconada's living situations. Comfort or anxiety.
Anxiety, the people are very poor
Midas turning objects to gold. Comfort or Anxiety.
Comfort because he loves gold
Keeping the items hidden. Comfort or anxiety.
Anxiety, she doesn't want her things found
The people's search for gold. Comfort or anxiety.
Anxiety, relying on gold for a better life
When Midas turns his daughter to gold. Comfort or anxiety.
Anxiety, he loved his daughter a lot
Admiring Junebugs. Comfort or Anxiety.
Comfort, she thinks they are pretty
The stories of people finding gold. Comfort or Anxiety.
Comfort, it gives people a will to continue
When Midas turns his food to gold. Comfort or anxiety.
Anxiety, he wasn't able to eat
Stealing the Family's things. Comfort or anxiety.
Both, it brings her comfort and the family anxiety