Superhero's Real Names
Comic Book Media
Comic Book Eras
Villains and their Heroes
Superhero Groups

This man was born as Kal-El, but his parents on Earth named him Clark.

Who is Superman?


This movie assembled the most money at the box office for a comic book movie in history.

What is Avengers: Endgame?


This comic book era was defined by the birth of the superhero as we know it.

What is the Golden Age?


Green Goblin, Mysterio, Sandman

Who is Spider-Man?


This team lives in the sewers of New York, and they REALLY like pizza.

Who are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


Themyscira's most legendary warrior is also known as Diana Prince.

Who is Wonder Woman?


This film was the first in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy.

What is Batman Begins?


This era of comic books started after the death of Gwen Stacy in "The Night Gwen Stacy Died!"

What is the Bronze Age?


The Riddler, Ra's al Ghul, Bane

Who is Batman?


This team's theme song includes spelling out the team name. GO!

Who are the Teen Titans?


Hailing from Brooklyn, NY, this super soldier was born under the name Steve Rogers.

Who is Captain America?


This woman was the first female in a Marvel movie to be the lead/main focus of the movie.

Who is Black Widow?


The first appearance of Barry Allen's Flash in the 1950s is considered the beginning of this comic book era.

What is the Silver Age?


Zoom, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd

Who is the Flash?


This group is considered to be Marvel's First Family, and the arch rivals to Doctor Doom.

Who are the Fantastic Four?


Logan "James" Howlett has lived for hundreds of years, and is known for ripping through enemies as one of the greatest X-Men.

Who is Wolverine?


Netflix tried launching their own small version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which started with this red costumed character.

Who is Daredevil?


The mid to late 80s signaled the beginning of this era, which has continued on through the present day.

What is the Modern Age?


Sinestro, Mogo, Parallax

Who is Green Lantern?


This group of teenagers protect Angel Grove by shouting "IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!" and transforming into these.

Who are the Power Rangers?


In one universe, she was in love with Spider-Man. In another universe, she fights alongside him.

Who is Gwen Stacy?


This 2000s DC show was not the most successful show for Cartoon Network, but it has since become a cult classic series featuring this electrically-powered superhero.

What is Static Shock?


During the first major era of comic books, some historians have defined the post-war years as this.

What is the Atomic Age?

Omni-Man, Battle Beast, Dinosaurus

Who is Invincible?


This group is often led by a combination of Deadpool, Domino and/or Warpath, and they are a spinoff of another popular Marvel team.

Who are the X-Force?