Comprehension 2
Verb Tense

What does entertaining mean in this sentence: Star Wars is an entertaining movie that I loved watching.

Amusing or interesting to someone


How can you tell if a statement is a fact?

when it can be proven


What does the term 'panned' mean from the story?

to move back and forth


Which one of these sentences is a fact? 

a) Studios advertise their movies like crazy.

b) Blogs are the best way to promote movies.

c) A character shown in a well-lit area is happy and safe.

d) Movie stars give interviews on television and radio.

d) Movie stars give interviews on television and radio.


Identify the verb: The man asks Angelo to fix the broken chair. 

asks, present tense


What does advertise mean in this sentence: The next movie trailer is going to advertise the Trolls movie.

To give information about a new movie. Advertising encourages people to spend their money on a product or event.


Which word shows this is an opinion: Movies are the best form of entertainment. 



Which of the following words signals an opinion? a) movies b) reason c) thrilling d) watching 

c) thrilling


Which of these sentences is an opinion? a) Movies are fun to watch. b) Movie posters tell about a movie. c) Moviemakers leave things out of a frame. d) Some movies deal with people and their problems

a) Movies are fun to watch.


Identify the verbs: The dog barked and woke up the baby. 

barked and woke: past tense


What is does focus mean in the following sentence: The camera's focus was on the woman singing the National Anthem at the Superbowl.

To concentrate on or pay close attention to something


Is the following sentence a fact or an opinion-- Movies are fun to watch.



How are the two articles alike?

Both explain moviemaking techniques


Which of these sentences from the article is an opinion? a) "Their reviews carry a lot of weight" b) "Movie critics get to see movies before the public" c) "Moviemakers have to decide what to keep and what to cut."

a) "Their reviews carry a lot of weight"


Identify the verbs: James will go to see his aunt and uncle. 

will go, future tense


What does generated mean in the flowing sentence: The movie poster generated interest for the upcoming Jurassic Park movie.

produced or created


Fact or opinion -- Movie stars give interviews on television and radio.



What concept was mentioned in "Coming Distractions" and explained in more detail in "How Do They Do That?"

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)


How can you tell this sentence from the article states a fact? Every time cinematographers look through their camera they frame their shot.

a) It was written by the author b) Most people know this information c) The word cinematographer can be found in the dictionary d) The information can be proven by checking a reference source

d) The information can be proven by checking a reference source. 


What verb fits: Yesterday Barney ________some wood for the fire. a) chop b) chops c) chopped d) will chop

c) chopped


What are critics? The movie critics thought the movie was terrible and told movie goers not to waste their money seeing it.

judges, reviewers or raters

How do you know if something is an opinion?
It is based on someones beliefs or feelings.

What is the Main Idea of the article "Coming Distractions"?

It is important to understand moviemaking techniques and ask questions about movies.


Which of these is NOT a technique the article describes as making movies more exciting? a) CGI b) JPM c) voiceovers d) quick cuts

c) voiceovers


What verb fits:Next month, Martha _______to Tampa, Florida. a) move b) moved c) moving d) will move

d) will move -- future