HowDo They Do It?
Figurative Language
Mixing It Up
When something is _________, it is funny or enjoyable.
Make an inference about the target audience for a documentary on clipping coupons.
This is how many different angles a film or scene is filmed from. (pg. 199)
Giving a movie this expression means that it was really enjoyable.
"two thumbs up"
When a person's is in a well-lit area, I can infer that he or she is ______________.
safe and happy.
Movie scenes are usually filmed from several __________, or positions.
When filmmakers shoot a car chase scene that ends in an accident or explosion, and then start the next scene at the hospital, this is what you can infer.
someone has been hurt.
One way a film company might advertise a new movie. It is printed and displayed.
a poster
This expression, used in the section "Mixing up a Movie" means that many steps are necessary to create a film.
"It takes a lot of ingredients to mix up a film."
This was used by filmmakers to make the character Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
CGI (computer generated imagery)
Not just a store! This word also means a specific group of people a movie or product is made for. ___________ audience.
If you watch a movie where the dad has lost his job, but the family still has nice clothes, a new car, and a beautiful house, this is what we can infer about the characters.
the character was rich before he lost his job.
The way a movie's success is often generated.
word of mouth
This expression, on the second page of the story, means that what happens is not how things would happen in our daily life.
"not really how things would go down in real life."
This was a huge part of Star Wars that kept our attention during the film. Added after the filming, it would be hard to imagine the movie without the ___________.
Movie companies often use trailers or posters to __________, or let people know a movie will be coming soon.
There is a movie called Titanic, and it was written and filmed about the ship Titanic, which actually existed and sank. History tells us there were some survivors but not many. In the movie, we see some survivors, but not the same number of people who boarded the boat at the beginning of the movie. We can infer that the people missing at the end of the film ______________.
This how the director of the movie Jaws was able to show the shark's point of view.
using a camera as the shark.
A section of our text is called Painting a "Pretty" Picture. This means _____________________________.
not that anyone is actually painting, but that the movie is showing us something we really like to see.
Movies can be based on fiction or nonfiction events. Does the type of movie determine whether we can learn a lesson from it?
No. Often times, we learn lessons from fiction. For example, the story of the boy who cried wolf teaches us not to tell lies. This never actually happened, but we still learn an important lesson from it.
Movies include chase scenes so that viewers feel _______, or burst of excitement. This keeps them interested in the movie.
I haven't seen the new Ninjago movie yet, but LaRon gave it two thumbs up. LaRon and I like a lot of the same things, so I could infer that I would feel this way about the movie.
I would like it.
Something added later to a film that adds more excitement and causes the audience to feel a certain way. Often, the actors of the film do not know what was chosen until they see the final cut of the movie.
An expression used by the author to describe how we feel about the way filmmakers and directors find ways to make sure the leading man always has a cool car, or the leading lady fights bad guys in high heels. We know this would be hard to do, but somehow it looks easy.
moviemaking magic
I was not a fan of Justin Timberlake before the movie Trolls. However, after hearing the song "Can't Stop," I bought three of his CDs. Why?
Movies and media can influence our choice.