The act through which disabled students receive accommodations
The American with Disabilities Act
Measured as 20% of your final grade?
What is attendance and participation?
These actions can result in automatic expulsion
What is academic dishonesty?
The TA (teaching assistant) of this course
Who is Salamata Diallo?
The campus building that houses the Student Learning Center
What is Milne Library?
This is the website where all assignments will be assigned
What is Brightspace?
This policy discourages missing any classes
What is the attendance poolicy?
The professor of this course
Who is Dr. Greg Hummel?
Who are the summer academy ATL's (Academic Team Leaders)
Who are Andy and Carmen?
Coming to class prepared includes
What is a charged computer and reliable interact access?
These are never to be used in the classroom outside of pedagogical purposes
What is a cellphone/personal digital device?
This is the location of your comm 1401 course
Where is Fitz 246?
This is classroom time that is not mandatory to attend but another resource to enhance your academic experience
What is tutoring?
This is a 5-7 minute presentation, including research and a presentation aid on a topic of your choice
What is the final presentation?
Under which section of the syllabus can you find the topics that will be covered in class
What is Tentative Course Schedule?
This is your professors email
What is
This center provides short-term individual counseling, daily crisis appointments, group counseling, and referrals for open-ended counseling
What is the counseling center?
This is the academic textbook that will be assigned in Comm 1401
What is Speak out, call in: Public Speaking as Advocacy
What is 24/7 grade dispute policy?
The number of students in this classroom?
What is 25?