Communication, Apprehension, and Identity
Audience Analysis, Interactions, and Delivery
Interviewing and Nonverbal Communication
Research and Formal Presentations
Persuasive Attributes and Group Communication

True or False: First impressions are often easily forgotten. 

False: First impressions often form quickly and stay salient in a person's mind. 


When looking out into the crowd during his performance, Dave notices a diverse audience of different races, religious affiliations, ages, and abilities. In these few seconds, Dave is engaging in this type of analysis. 

What is a demographic analysis?


Of these components, which is NOT included in an interview: public speaking, listening, interpersonal communication, and small group dynamics. 

Trick questions: they are all present in the practice of interviewing! 

Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose: When combined the aforementioned words form this acronym, which is an excellent tool for evaluating the credibility of your sources while speech writing! 
What is CRAAP/the CRAAP Test?

Sometimes, depending on the presentation and whether it is low or high stakes, my feedback will change. The following sentence, "You did so well," is an example of this type of feedback. 

Positive and non-descriptive. 


Name a demographic trait that is a characteristic of someone's social identity. 

Ability, gender, race, religion, etc. 


During class, I will often watch students to gauge emotions and interests by reading their nonverbal cues, a practice known as this...

What is direct observation?


I decide to wave to my friend instead of saying hello, which means I'm using the following nonverbal technique.

What is substituting? 

(Accenting - Enhances/augments a message)

(Complementing - Illustrates a message)


Avoiding plagiarism, citing sources, and using the CRAAP and ABC tests are all ways to remain ethical when completing research, a phenomenon that can be described with the following term... 

What is academic integrity? 


Whereas the Dunning-Kruger effect refers to the tendency people have to think they are experts in a particular field or area of knowledge, this concept describes how we tend to actively ignore data that contradicts our beliefs about the world. 

What is confirmation bias? 

Whereas self-fulfilling prophecy describes the process by which we speak a positive outcome into existence, this concept describes how we can reduce apprehension by slowly getting used to something.

What is systematic desensitization? 

Rather than reading his speech out loud, Jason decides to use shortened notes and conversational asides to engage with the audience outside of his notecards, making use of the following method of delivery. 

What is extemporaneous style/delivery? 


In this type of interview, candidates are placed in the same room together and are asked to discuss their qualifications for a position. 

What is an island interview?


The following three categories are the proper way to classify formal persuasive speeches, and they're typically described as questions. 

What are questions of fact, value, and policy? 


There are a variety of compliance-gaining strategies discussed within our text, but this particular one is more popular around the holidays, when stores market their wares with statements like, "Only a few left!" 

What is scarcity? 


Sometimes an audience will hold negative views towards your topic simply based on how it's worded or the claim itself; this type of audience can be described using the following term. 

What is an unfavorable audience?


As an orator, Martin Luther King Jr. continued to use his foundation as a Baptist minister when discussing the economy and racial injustice. His iconic vocal patterns, movements, and cadences can be described with this term. 

What is rhythm? 


Your resume provides recruiters with an overview of your job history and your current qualifications, but this document allows to elaborate on your accomplishments further. 

What is a cover letter?


While delivering an informative speech on the history and formation of Christmas, I decide to describe in detail all the holidays that Christmas is not, including Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice. This rant would be making use of the following type of supporting material. 

What is a non-example?


During class, we went over the Tuckman Model for the stages of group communication, which are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. This particular stage in the model is when your group is most likely to experience conflict. 

What is the storming phase? 


Similarly to Robert Kennedy, we may find ourselves having to present information or ideas to an audience with a different cultural background. This strategy can help facilitate that exchange more effectively. 

What is building common ground? 


Mickey Mouse's natural tone is somewhat higher than the husky baritone of Morgan Freeman or Barry White. This concept refers to these vocal disparities. 

What is pitch?


In communicative situations, and especially while interviewing, we often have the freedom to answer and express ourselves in a variety of ways. This ability to choose while communicating is formally known as this. 

What is agency? 


Sam decides to persuade the class that dams are harmful for the environment in his persuasive speech. To help accomplish this goal, he brings in a miniature version of the very dam he's describing to show its negative impacts, making use of the following visual aid. 

What is a model? (Different than an object)


In college, many students report feeling apprehension towards group projects and worry that they will need to do all the work themselves, a phenomenon known as...

What is group-hate?